A realy weird person

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It has been a year since Kiana, Mei and Bronya joined St. Freya and they where doing realy well. Satomi was still having an eye over Mei, expecially since Anty Entropy tryed to kidnap her.
Satomi was out on a mission that day but luckly Mei wasn't harmed.
Fu hua had moved in at some point after the three came to St. Freya and Satomi actually liked Fu hua.

Today was quiet for everyone. Well, as quiet as it could be. Theresa was overworking herself again while Himeko was drinking her cheep beer.
Mei was cooking lunch like always.
Fu hua was punching on the punching back and Bronya was playing a videogame with Kiana.

Satomi was just sitting around and doing nothing realy special.
She concidered helping Mei in the kitchen but she banned everyone with white hair since Kiana isn't able to cook food that is edible, Theresa always putting bittermelon in every meal and Satomi not being able to cut anything without cutting in her fingers.

The white haired woman was also too lazy to help Theresa with her work.
"Don't help others with paperwork." Satomi's mom always said.

Training with Fu hua was an option but then Kiana would want to train too and last time that happened the Tv broke.

Playing videogames wasn't fun when Bronya always won.

So Satomi was realy just sitting around.
To her unfortune a knock on the door interupted her peace.

Satomi looked around and saw if someone was going to open the door.
No one was.

"I'll open it." Satomi said and let out a sight. She walked over to the door and opened it.

"C-Captain!" Satomi said in suprise as she saw her captain, Martha von Radetz, infront of her.

"Hello Satomi." Martha said. Satomi let Martha go in. Of course everyone looked at her.

"Satomi-Sensei, who's that?" Kiana asked and walked over to the stranger.

"That's my captain, Martha von Radetz." Satomi said.

"Martha, what brings you here?" Theresa asked curious.

"I just wanted to see how my vice-captain is doing but I also come with a mission I have for her and of course her students." Martha said.

"A mission? What kind of mission?" Kiana asked curious.

"It's an A-Rang mission. I need Satomi, Kiana Kaslana, Mei Raiden, Bronya Zaychik and Fu hua to investigate a Honkai infected area and help to arrest a traitor of Schicksal." Martha said.

"Hold up. This is the first time I heared about something like this." Theresa said a bit angry.

"The three are Valkyrie in training and I have the right to give them a mission without your aproval." Martha said.

"Hell yeah! C'mon Mei-Senpai this is the moment to become a S-Rank Valkyrie!" Kiana shouted exited.

"Sorry kiddo but an A-Rang mission won't make you S-Rang." Himeko said.

"Then I will simply proove that I am the strongest Valkyrie of Schicksal!" Kiana said confident.

"The strongest Valkyrie of Schicksal? Is that your dream?" Martha asked.

"Of course it is." Kiana said.

"Then I am sure that it will happen." Martha said with a smile. Kiana blushed a bit but looked away.

"As much as I love to support dreams, I realy wanna start the mission. Let's go." Satomi said.

Everyone exept Theresa and Himeko followed Martha and Satomi.

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