Raiden Part: 5

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"Meiii-Senpaaaiiiii~!" Kiana shouted as she jumped on her spot on the sofa, right next to where Mei was sitting.
The white haired girl laid her head on Mei's lap for a quick nap but Bronya quickly pushed her up.

"Idiot Kiana. Sister Mei is sleeping." Bronya said with a hushed voice and pointed at Mei's sleeping face.

Kiana made a shocked face and slowly sat up. She looked at her girlfriends sleeping face and looked down to her hands in shame.

Mei slowly stirred awake, having the feeling of something being very wrong. With heavy eyes she looked at her two friends and then towards the door.

"Oh Mei-Senpai is awake." Kiana whispered to Bronya who was just about to plug in her Homu headset into her Homu controler.

"Kiana, Bronya?" Mei asked, sounding very confused.

"Sorry for waking you up." Kiana said with a chibi tuna face and puppy eyes, begging silently for forgiveness.

"It was Idiotka's fault." Bronya pointed a finger at Kiana, who looked down onto her hands for a second time in under a minute.

"Are you two okay?" Mei asked out of nowhere.

Both Bronya and Kiana looked at her as if she was a ghost.

"Yeah. Why shouldn't we be?" Kiana asked and moved closer to Mei.

"Since I left, I searched for Himeko-Sensei but found nothing. When she was infront of me she attacked me. I fear that was only Himeko's body controlled by something else." Mei explained. Bronya sat down on the other side of the sofa.

Both Kiana and Bronya hugged their friend tightly.

"Nonesense! I just saw Himeko in her room grading our tests!" Kiana said.

"Realy?" Mei asked still sleepy.

"Of course! Himeko and everyone else is fine, you don't need to worry." Kiana said, making it sound like a promise.

"Must have been a bad dream then." Mei said, almost falling asleep again "I can't bear the thought of anyone having to see Himeko-Sensei like this." She admitted defeated.

Both Kiana and Bronya cuddled against Mei's shoulders, drifting to sleep togheter.


Outside of Mei's illusion, Akiko was dragging the unconscious body of the Herrscher of Thunder down an empty ally. Beside her was the Herrscher of Wind, who didn't help at all with the dragging.

"Okay, now do your thing." Akiko said and dropped Mei onto the cold floor.

"Don't order me around." HoW said and looked at Mei for a good moment. The girl had her eyes partially open and tryed to move but it was no use.

The Herrscher of Wind was inside Himeko Murata's body, had taken over an empty corpse when the chance was good enough. There where no memories left of the red haired woman who gave her life for her student.

That is why HoW will have no problem taking over Raiden Mei's body.


Mei was sleeping again, with Kiana and Bronya by her side. If it wasn't for suddenly being shaken she would have continued to sleep like a stone.

"Wake up you useless shit!" Mei screamed, trying to get herself to move and fight. The only diffrence between the one standing and the one sitting was that the latter was not in her Herrscher form while the other was.

"What is it?" Mei asked sleepy and tryed to push the strong pair of hands away.

"If you don't stand up now we die! Kiana, Bronya, Theresa, they will have to kill us! Get up now!" Mei forcefully pulled herself up the couch and held herself up.

"Kiana-chan?" Mei said, slowly getting back to her senses.

"Yes, the one you sacrificed everything for. Remember how useless you where all this time? This is your chance, prevent Kiana from another heartbreak." Mei said.

The electricity from Mei's Herrscher form passed on to the other one.

"Let's save Kiana!" Both Mei's said.


The Herrscher of Wind was just a centimeter away from touching Mei's body and taking her over when a spark of thousands of Volts coursed through her body.

Being unfamiliar to the pain, the Herrscher backed away and bumped into Akiko.

The two looked suprised as they gazed at the floor where Raiden's body was just a moment ago.

"You!" The HoW said and grabbed Akiko, punching her hard in the face.

"That was not my fault so stop acting up!" Akiko tryed to defend herself.

"Then better find the girl within two hours, or else I will start tearing this city apart." The Herrscher of the two said.

"Do you want to get killed by Durandal?! You promised to destroy Schicksal, not some meaningless city!" Akiko said angry and earned herself another punch from the Herrscher.

"Then you better find her! It was risky enough to reveal myself, and now I will have a harder time supressing the girls consciousness!" The Herrscher said and dissapeared.


Half an hour after the Herrscher signature appeared and quickly vanished, everyone in the base was still at red alarm mode.

"HQ still not responding!" A Valkyrie said panicked.

Emma felt the need of a cold beer. Not that she was a drinker, but she still wanted one.

"Ma'am, the press wants a statement on the collapsed building and the warning." A calmer Valkyrie said.

"Tell them...ah god damn tell them to shut up, we have a more pressing matter at hand." Emma said.

At first they had belived some scanners malufunctioned, but they got confirmation from other bases that they picked up the same signature.

This was real and happening during her shift. Worst about it was that it should have been over by now.

"Ma'am, report from the medical unit!" A Valkyrie said over comm.

"Go on." Emma said and whiped sweat off her face for the bazillionth time today.

"The woman we recovered is in critical condition and lost a lot of blood. If she survives, she won't be conscious for another day, maybe even two." The Valkyrie said and ended her report.

Forget the beer, Emma wanted a long and extended vacation.

"Ma'am, a call over cellphone." A Valkyrie whispered to her.

"Hq?" Emma whispered back.

"No. It is Satomi Geto." The Valkyrie said and handed over the phone.

Emma quickly went into the hallway to answear the phone.

"Tach! (A classic way to say hello in german, 'tach' is not a formal way to say hello in a text because it's from a dialect)" Satomi said unbothered.

A/n: a short chapter at the early end, maybe late middle of the not so small
Mei arc. Feel free to leave a comment!

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