Tormented child

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(Warning for torture, blood and gore, if you don't want to read it feel free to skip it, it starts after the first lines and ends after the second lines. Don't worry there is still some fluff for everyone.)

Theresa was worried. The fight against Gray Serpent has stopped, of course they won, but Satomi hasn't returned from her battle yet and Bronya hasn't returned from the Sea of Quanta either
so Theresa was actually double worried.

The portal was about to close when Einstein said "Someone is coming through the portal."

Everyone got into fighting position, just in case some monster feels silly enough to come out, but they all hoped for Bronya to return. Theresa wouldn't bare to loose another student.

Three people came through the portal.
One was Welt Yang, the Herrscher of Reason. The other one was a small girl Theresa didn't know, she looked at an unconscious Bronya in her arms.

"Seele?" Rozaliya asked shocked and yet seemingly happy. The girl looked towards them and Welt quickly kneeled down besides the girl to take Bronya in his arms.

"Seele!" The twins said in union and ran toward Seele.
"Rozaliya, Liliya!" Seele said happly, tears already falling down. The twins hugged Seele and togheter they fell down onto the ground.

"Добро пожаловать домой." (Welcome home) Rozaliya said happy. Seele didn't respond, she only held the twins tighter as if she never wanted them to go away.

Einstein walked over to Welt. No words where spoken yet but the two seemed to be happy.

"We should return to the Hyperion before anything can happen again." Einstein said.

"Let's get going." Theresa said. Welt carried Bronya. Seele looked up to her friend with worrie.
"Don't worry, she is strong." Liliya touched Seele's shoulder as an reasuring gesture.
"Spasibo Liliya." Seele said and smiled.

As they all made their way back to the Hyperion, Theresa didn't fail to notice that Seele looked like the female and younger version of the Valkyrie Killer himself but Seele had a kindness written all over her face that he never had. Satomi will probaly have the shock of her lifetime when she sees Seele.

Everyone who was old enough to whitness the Valkyrie Killers prime time would notice the extreme similarity, Satomi too.

Speaking of "Satomi are you there?" Theresa asked over comm but she got no answear. Theresa tryed multible times, already fearing the worst.

They eventually came to the scene where Satomi fought the women.

Theresa, Einstein, and Welt quickly covered up the twins and Seele's eyes so they wouldn't be able to see Satomi's cut off arm and foot laying around.

It can only mean the worst.

They walked away from the scene and uncovered the eyes of the kids as soon they where out of reach.

They got on board the Hyperion and Einstein tryed to locate Satomi but her battlesuit tracker was off alongside her comm, tracking over her phone was also not working, and even trying to locate her by her Honkai energy level didn't work.

"That can only mean one thing." Einstein said worried.

"The World Serpent has her." Theresa said.


An unknown amount of time after the events in the Deep later, Satomi was slowly waking up. She immediantly noticed three things.

One: She feels sick like she never had before.

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