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"Okay here's the plan." Satomi said as the two walked through the city of Frankfurt. Neither was wearing their Battlesuit and instead chosed to wear so casual outfits they could be civilians.

The white haired Valkyrie had chosen a white shirt with a techweare jacket. Black pants and purple nike shoes went along with the fit. Her white hair, which was tied securely in a ponytail, was still an eye catcher but went along well with the rest of her fit.

Elham had chosen a more simpler approach for that rather stealthy mission. A red shirt that went along nicely with her red jacket and black pant. Her shoes looked worn out but as long as the shoe sole was attatched to the rest of the shoe it was fine.

If they wheren't on a mission both wouldn't wear jackets, but even if not in battlesuits they had to carrie a variety of equitment, such as knifes and comm, which was easier to hide under a jacket. It wasn't illegal to carrie a knife in Germany as long as it wasn't visible.

"Okay, we already know Mei is wanted for terrorism, but I want confirmed that she was responsible for this mess. The investigating police officer didn't want us to sniffle around." Satomi said.

"Let's pay him a visit anyways." Elham said wicked. Satomi only gave a wicked smile as she got an idea.

It was evening when the investigating officer entered his office. He laid down a few files before sitting down and activated his computer.

He heared someone lock the door and pull down the blinds. The man looked up and saw Satomi at the door and Elham at the blinds.

Before he could react Satomi sat down in the chair infront of the desk and held out her old Schicksal ID card.

"Hold your horses, we just wanna talk about someone you investigate against." Satomi said. Elham remained still at the blinds, standing guard.

"Who let you in and what unit in Schicksal are you?" The man asked.

"We kinda let ourself in, and it's Satomi Geto of Unit Four." Satomi said and leaned back.

"You are the woman who tryed to get an appointment with me. I am busy at the moment so what do you want?" The man asked, his hand wandering under the table.

Elham slowly walked up to him.

"You are investigating againt Raiden Mei. She is my sister by adoption and as a family member and Schicksal Valkyrie I would like to know the details of this." Satomi said.

The man was silent for a moment but then spoke up.

"Thanks to the cooperation of Anti-Entropy, we have found video material that show Raiden Mei placing bombs in various spots across the whole building. Said video material was mostly from phones of survivors." The man said.

Both Valks knew he was lieing.

"Alright, thank you. That will be all." Elham said. Satomi had a few more questions but as she saw the way her partner looked at her, she knew to just follow her lead.

Satomi stood up and both turned their back on him. Elham gave Satomi a handsign to get behind the enemy.

The woman quickly teleported and pushed the man on the table. A gun with a silencer was fired and missed Elham's body by about twenty centimeters. Before it could hit glass Elham catched it.

"You better start talking before I break your bones." Satomi said threatening, the atmosphere having changed.

Elham moved in and grabbed Satomi's shoulder. Before the officer could shout for help Satomi teleported them all away on a skyscraper rooftop.

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