World serpent I

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Mei, Kiana, Bronya and Fu hua arrived at the Ajax and gave Levi a summary on what happened.

"Alright, I get it." Levi said and thought about the situation. "These two can handle everything, I'm sure they will be fine." He added.

"I still have a bad feeling about that. This whole mission was so strange." Kiana said.
"Hua, did you and Martha-sama know each other?" Mei asked.
"A bit, one could say. Though our relationship is currently not important." Hua said and pushed her glasses up. Okay, there was definetly more to Hua's and Martha's relationship.

"Ow fuck!" Satomi suddenly said behind them. Everyone turned around and saw Martha on the ground, Satomi laying beside her holding her head she somehow bumped on the ground.

Levi and the kids rushed to the duo.
"We need a medic team!" Levi said to one of the crew members as he saw that Martha was injured.

"Satomi-Sensei! Are you okay?" Mei asked worried. Bronya and Kiana aided Martha as she attempted to sit up.
The medic team came inside and handled Martha, allowing Kiana and Bronya to go over to Satomi.
"I'm fine...I guess?" Satomi looked down on the ground. She remembered the previous events.

"Start the ship, we are done here." Satomi ordered. The medics carried Martha away and the ship started flying up to the sky.

"Were to?" Levi asked. Satomi was thinking. She realy needed to talk with her dad and she needed to get more informations about Elham.

"Back to St. Freya. I'm going to my room now." Satomi said and left the bridge.
Levi and the kids looked worried for the woman.

"Elham said that I am a Herrscher. If that is so, where is the core and the Herrscher personality. Or am I a diffrent case then Mei?" Satomi thought.
"We both are indeed a Herrscher." Ombré suddenly said.

Satomi entered her room and locked the door.
"So you are the Herrscher ego and I am like Mei?" Satomi asked out loud. Ombré appeared beside Satomi.
"No, not like them. Mei does not interact with the Herrscher of thunder at all. It's rather the Herrscher who jumps in and safes Mei while I am just watching, oh and you use the Herrscher power constantly. Your healing, teleportation, this tracking thing you can do, and the Honkai energy waves you unleash is all part of my power I let you use." Ombré explained.

"Okay that would explain a lot. How did Elham and her organisation know that?" Satomi asked and sat down on her bed.
"They have your aunt on their side. You never talk about your mom or anyone else of your family." Ombré mentioned.
"What to say? My mom went on a mission and never came back, not even her body....wait a second." Satomi said and thought about everything again.

"I don't have a core because my mother or my gradparents inherited the powers to me." Satomi said.
"Explain that. I suck at biology." Ombré said confused.

"It's as if a flower inherited it's color from one of her parent flowers. That should be Mendel's rules if I'm not mistaken. My whole body is the Herrscher core and so, I can pass it to my children. But this would also mean that more then one person has the Herrscher powers at one time, wouldn't it?" Satomi explained and closed her eyes.

"No, if the core would be split up, that would mean two diffrent Herrscher." Ombré said.
"Right. However, it isn't that important on how you landed with me. We need to learn more about the organisation Elham is with." Satomi said and stood up again.

"Do you even care about this Fox woman? You two look a lot alike." Ombré saited.

"I don't want to think about that or Elham to be honest. After she dissapeared those years ago, I felt horrible about me being unable to safe her. I need to help her to get out of there once she is ready so let's find out to which organisation Elham belongs, shouldn't be too hard with the informations we have acces to." Satomi said.

Ombré suddenly snapped with her fingers. "The Valkyrie killer attacked the day Elham dissapeared. Concidents? I don't think so after today. I belive Elham and Vollerei belong to the same organisation, a dangerous one since they never put the information of his organisation in the sistem and no one would be crazy enough to hire someone to kill Valkyries." She said.

"And if someone has more information about the Valkyrie killer than the sistem, it's Martha. She was a Valkyrie when he was still active and is the one who's most likely answearing my questions." Satomi said.

"That Isn't a guaranty but let's try later. What do you want to do when you find Elham." Ombré asked.

"I thought once I find her she would go with me. I'll just wait until she's ready to come back." Satomi said.
"And if she never want's to come back?" Ombré asked curious. Maybe Satomi would go Yandere then?
"Oh please. How can someone resist my charm?" Satomi asked playful.
Ombré smiled. It wasn't a happy or sad smile, it was pure amusment.
"God I can't stand you!" She said and smiled alongside Satomi.

In the meantime were Fox and Elham already back on their small ship that they got from Gray Serpent to fly to missions. Elham was flying the ship, but activated the autopilot long ago and was just sitting in the seat, while Fox was sitting comfortably.
She smiled as she tiped something into her phone and called Jackal. The serpent agent layed her phone to her ear and smiled.

"Why are you calling me?" The voice of Jackal asked through the phone.
"Because phase one is done." Fox said.
"Is she dead?" Jackal asked curious.
"Oh no not that phase one! My phase one is done and now it's time for phase two!" Fox said as joyful as a child.
"What are you talking about?" Jackal asked absendmindly.

"My phase one was all about introducing me and Elham to Satomi. Phase two is to destroy her from the inside. I'll wisely pick the things she loves and then smash them. Phase three is her to join us or I'll kill her once and for all." Fox explained amused.

"And people call me the crazy woman." Jackal said before she hung up.
"Jacky~? Hellooo? Okay she hung up on me." Fox whispered the last part. She layed her phone down on her seat and stood up.
After thinking how she would destroy Satomi an idea came on her mind.

"Hey 045, what is super precious to Satomi? And I mean a person." Fox asked.
"My name is Elham." Elham, or as Fox called her, 045, thought.
"I don't know." She simply said. Fox shook her head.

"Come here and look into my eyes." Fox demanded. Her mood changed in an instand from rather cheerful to serious.
Elham hated when this happened but stood up and walked to her partner anyways. She didn't dare to mess with Fox if she was like this.
Now the two where just a few steps apart. Elham looked Fox in the eyes, just as the woman demanded.
Fox walked up to Elham and grabbed her throat but didn't choke her. Yet.

"How long where you two togheter? Don't you know such an easy information or are you just protecting someone." Now Fox started to squeeze Elham's throat. Hard. "Be happy I don't kill you right infront of her. Remember, I can always give you back to Jackal at any moment. You. Are. Mine." She added and let go of the poor teenager.
Elham took a deep and rapid breath before she faced Fox again.

"I have an idea!" Fox said with her more happy attitude. "I'll visit the husband of my sis." She whispered with a crazy look in her eyes. This was going to be fun.

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