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Concern. It was one of Martha's most hated words. And right now, in the middle of the night (or morning?) where her thoughts can run as freely as they want, she was very concerned about the fact that Raiden Mei, a name she suddenly was able to remember, was part of the World Serpent.

Raiden hasn't realized her full potential as a Herrscher yet, but in relatively short time it would happen.

"I need to keep the moral of the crew high. If I tell them Satomi has lost it will eventually sink like a ship build out of paper. Satomi and Raiden had their battle and Raiden retreated, Jackal was nowhere to be found, end of story." Martha build her own story about what happened.

Elham seems to mean it with joining them. Martha doesn't care if it was for Satomi or whatever reason, as long as there was no trouble with her she couldn't care less. It would also give them another fighter and with the rise of the Serpent they couldn't have enough warriors.

Back to her major concern. Raiden Mei was becoming very powerful on a short time with the most scary yet so beautiful motivation of love.

"I wonder if the Herrscher of Wind's core is still safe. A Herrscher with the power of Wind and Thunder. The Herrscher of Storms? That sounds strange." Martha thought of but didn't want to worry about something without reason to.

Her rebellion against Otto was at a pause for now. It was simply just a bad timing for everything to happen. At least some matters found a conclusion and Satomi was back.

Her eyes went to the clock hanging in her office. 5:59 in the morning. She was awake and ready to head out since three hours even when her shift was starting at 6 am in the morning.

"I realy wonder why I just started to remember Raiden Mei's name. Well, her importance just rose significantly so I shouldn't be too suprised with that." Martha said to herself as she stood up and headed out of her office.


In a few months Mei would have her powers under full control. That was the time where Satomi was sure she would loose.

"I just keep loosing and loosing when I need to land a win." Satomi said and pulled a pillow over her face.

"What could make me stronger? A divine key? I bet Theresa would throw that thing at me when I ask her to borrow it. Maybe learning to use my powers diffrently. But how? Maybe saving up more energy." Satomi thought of new ideas.

The concept of energy itself is facinating, coming in many diffrent forms. Satomi was able to create a shockwave with the power to destroy buildings, and her healing saved her more then once. Teleporting wasn't a problem either. For a long time only she and Dudu where conciderated 'The Strongest', but now new pieces are on the field.

"I can't allow myself to hold back. Only the strongest is able to protect everyone." Satomi whispered.


Elham had no problem with being at Martha's side. It was better then being inprisoned in a cell.

"We're going to check on Satomi. You two where close, right?" Martha asked.
Elham nodded.

"We where but I'm not sure if we can ever be like this again." Elham said with a sad smile.

"You can't. Now both of you know things about the other that you shouldn't have ever known. It's pure logic that your relationship can't be the same anymore." Martha argued.

"Who knows if she still wants a relationship with me after I lied to her." Elham whispered.

"You joined the World Serpent, basically betrayed everything she thought you stood for, and actively fought against us, yet she hasn't beaten you up. I'm sure she is willing to forgive you." Martha argued.

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