Rescue Mission Start!

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(Mentions of force feeding and torture)

They where all on their way to rescue Satomi, Martha and Theresa had joined them an hour ago. In about three hours they will attack a World Serpent base. Hopefully it was one and not just some trap.

"There seems to be something large under the sand. I can't confirm if it is a base but the chances are near 100%." Tesla said. The groub was in the meeting room again, preparing their strategy.
"Very well. Now to the combat plan. I made a plan that divides our Valkyrie forces into two teams." Einstein started.

"Team one made out of Martha, Bronya and Kiana will go inside to get Satomi out of there. Team two made out of Theresa, Seele and the twins, acompanied by Mechs, will fight on the surface and draw their attention to them." Einstein explained her plan.

"Team two will jump down first and draw their menpower onto them so team one can sneak inside without too much resistance. If Elham didn't lie you will most likely meet her on your way but assuming she did lie you have to find Satomi on your own." Tesla said.

"I agree with the plan but do we have anything to defend ourself against the gas they used in Arc City?" Martha asked.

"The gas that makes us all normies? Oh I do have something that hopefully will royaly piss of the World Serpent." Tesla said. Everyone looked at her, waiting for an answear.

"I made new battlesuits for this. They will protect you from the gas Kiana reported and are also a bit isolated against electric shocks." Tesla said.

Theresa, Kiana, and Bronya looked a bit sad but Tesla moved on.

"The Hyperion and Ajax will stay at battle height. Team two will recive constant guidance and airsupport from above, but I'm sure their resistance will be strong." Tesla said.

"It is up to team one on how to proceed inside. Remember that we can't have constant communication channel, we don't want them to realize that you are inside." Einstein said.

"Exactly. That would be anything from our side. Are there any questions?" Tesla asked.
Everyone shook their head.
"Okay, time to arm up." Einstein said.

Togheter they went to the laboratory of the red haired scientist and pulled on the new battlesuits. The battlesuit itself had a helmet added to the body suit, a rare case in the battlesuit industry.

"They look like a mix between a Pacific Rim and Scarlet Nexus suit." Kiana commented as she pulled on hers. The whole skin was covered but it still had the same colors of the Void Drifter battlesuit and even a cape.

Bronya had a sky blue battlesuit with yellow stribes on her arms and a Homu on her back.

Seele's battlesuit had a dark blue and purple design, the dark blue was  stronger presented since it was her main color.

Rozaliya and Liliya kept their main color pallet but with minor appearance of the other twins main color. Their helmets where also a special edition to fit their horns in.

Martha had a brown coat to her battlesuit, at this point the woman had an unhealthy obsession with coats.

Theresa's main color was black, like her nun outfit, but it also had a bit of red to it like Oath of Judah has.

"Seele." Bronya said and walked up to her friend. "Yes Jiejie?" Seele asked.
"Be carefull out there and don't loose sight of the others." Bronya said.
"I'm more worried about you. You go right in." Seele said worried for Bronya.

"Don't be. It isn't the Bronya's first infiltration and rescue mission and Ms. Martha and Kiana are with the Bronya." Bronya said reasuring.

"Just stay safe." Seele said, taking Bronya's hand. Both blushed a bit.
"You too." Bronya said and removed a strand of hair out of Seele's face while smiling happy. Seele blushed even more and pulled Bronya into a hug.

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