Chapter 4-Dead?

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"Hey Raven, did these idiots already cry out for help?" The Valkyrie killer, Alexander asked his partner.
"Yes but their reinforcement will need at least half an hour to get here."
Raven said.
She stood beside Alexander and looked at the battlefield with a sniper.
"That means i have 30 minutes to bring our little rat out of this school and to kill her roommate." Alexander said and smiled.
"Do you realy want to kill a kid?" Raven asked serious.
"Yes, this Satomi probaly knows too much about..uh...what was the name of our little rat again?" Alexander asked confused.
"It's Elham this time." Raven said and rolled her eyes. This man has a realy teribble memorie.
"Yeah whatever." Alexander said.
"How are you going to find the two in this chaos?" Raven asked.
Alexander hadn't thought about this part of his plan.
"Good question." He then smiled as he had the perfect idea "I will go down there and slice my way through. Soon or later, i will find our little rat and her roommate."
Raven nearly jumped up as she heared this.
"Do you even realize that their principal is a veteran of the second eruption and a S-Rank Valkyrie? And what about the strong teachers?"
Raven asked shocked. Was Alexander brave or just stupid?
"I do know this. But i won against every Valkyrie i met so who cares about one strong S-Rank and the teachers?" Alexander turned around and walked to his bag. He pulled a shining blade out of the bag and smiled.
Raven looked at her partner and saw the sword in his hand.
"So that's why your ego is so big." Raven said. She knew how powerfull this sword was, especially in Alexander's hands.
"Raven. Im not sure if i will come out alive." Alexander said. He was very serious now.
"You know about my secret. If i die, please look after her and make sure that she never becomes a world serpent member." Alexander said. Raven knew about who he was speaking. His daughter.
"I never thought that you love your child like this. You gave her into an orphanage after all." Raven said to him.
Right. He was the one who gave his own kid into an orphanage.

"I asked myself this question before.
What would have happend when i took Seele with me. She is not even a teenager jet. If i would have taken her with me, she wouldn't need to live in a poor orphanage. But i still don't want her to fight. She can have a normal live while i fight for the world serpent."
Alexander thought.
"Of course i love my daughter. I just show it diffrently then other dad's."
Alexander said with a smile on his face.
Raven only shaked her head.
This man was definetly a strange.
"Don't you have enough people to look after your kid?" Raven asked, clearly she didn't want to look after her partners kid.
"I had but some turned their back against me and i got rid of them.
I can't force you to do it." Alexander said. Raven rolled her eyes. 
"I'll go now." He said.
It was finaly his time to join the battle.

"Okay, i think we're safe here." Satomi said and tryed to catch her breathe.
The sounds of the battle wheren't close to them, only a few explosions where near them.
Satomi got one again reminded that running was Elham's speciality, not hers.
"Thank you, Satomi-chan." Susanna said friendly.
"No need to thank me." Satomi said and looked around. She hoped that Elham was safe.
"Hehe~" Satomi laughed out of nowhere.
Susanna was confused and looked around, searching for a reason why Satomi could have started laughing.
"I-Is there something on my face?!" Susanna asked worried and touched her face.
"No, i just laughed about me." Satomi said.
"Huh?" Susanna was very confused now.
"I was worried for her but i remembered that i don't need to worrie  about her after all, she is my one and only." Satomi said.
Susanna blushed a bit.
"O-Oh, i-i didn't know you two where that close." Susanna said and looked away.
"I am your one and only? How cute of you." Someone said behind them.
Satomi smiled.
"Good to see you Elham." Satomi said and turned around to see her very best friend. Himeko was also there looking around for enemys, ready to guard her students.
"Satomi go with Elham and Susanna in the building. The principal is in the mainhall." Himeko said. Susanna and Elham nodded.

"Let's go Satomi." Elham said and turned her head to Satomi. What came next shocked her.
"Satomi!" Elham screamed the moment she saw the blade hanging out of Satomi's chest. Blood crawled out of her mound, she was shaking a bit. The others turned around too, shocked to see Satomi injured.
Somehow she managed it to turn her head enough to barely see the attacker.
He was standing right behind her.

"You are the Valkyrie killer, right?" Satomi said, somehow knowing who the man was. More blood came out of her mouth and injurie, the red liquid started to drop from her chin to the ground.
"Hm? No respect for the older once? Call me by my lastname, it's Völlerei to your information." The man said a bit playfull.
"Respect for you? Not in this life." Satomi said angry. That man stapped her from behind right in the chest.
She could feel in her breathing that her lungs filled with blood.
"How mean of you." The Völlerei said and moved the sword down, slicing trough Satomi's chest and tummy.
Alexander looked up and saw Himeko falling into his direction, her sword ready to strike. Alexander pulled his sword out of Satomi and dodged the attack with an incredible speed.

"Everyone, take Satomi and flee from here now! I already told the principal, the Valkyrie killer who killed many of our comrades is here!" Himeko said.

Alexander looked annoyed.
"Done with talking? I have a job to do." Alexander said annoyed and rushed forward to attack Himeko. He stabed her in both legs and arms. Himeko wasn't a slow person, she had many years of training and countless fights behind her. But this man was just too fast.

Susanna, Elham and a barely awake Satomi watched the scene in horror.
This man was a monster.

But Elham already knew him, she saw him a few times in the World Serpent HQ. It was time to go back.

"El..." Satomi whispered weak. Elham turned her head to the weak girl and saw her best friend smiling.

"Susanna, take Satomi and run!" Elham said and made herself ready to fight.
Susanna didn't waist any time, took the white haired girl and ran away from the scene. Himeko was unconsious at that point.

"You're Elham, right?" Alexander asked.
"Yes." Elham said.
"Good, Raven is already waiting for you." Alexander said.

"He hurt Himeko and he hurt Satomi. Jackal lied to me again. No, i won't be their pet anymore!" Elham thought.
She felt angry, she waned to rip this man apart and make him regret hurting Satomi and Himeko.
Flames came from the tips of her fingers and formed into a fireball.
"So be it." Alexander said smiling.

Susanna was still running away but she knew Satomi was at the verge of death.
Susanna stoped running and layed Satomi down. The Valkyrie in training took of the jacket she was wearing and bounded it on Satomi's wounds, trying to stop the bleeding.

"H-Hey, Satomi! Don't die!" Susanna screamed as Satomi closed her eyes.

She tryed to feel a pulse but there was nothing.

"Where am i?" Satomi asked as she looked around the unfamiliar area. She wasn't sure what it was.
Her eyes fell to the statue that looked like her. It was completly white and looking directly to Satomi.

"Who are you?"

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