Chapter 7-We knew

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It was something about a month after the attack on St. Freya high.
Elham has been reported as missing.

Otto was sitting on his chair with Alexander's sword in his hands.

"I do wonder where this weapon comes from. It has the ability to mess around with the Honkai...not the Honkai energy itself, rather with the control of the energy. Intresting and dangerous against the Valkyrie.'' Otto said and gave the sword to Amber. He lifted his glass of wine up and drank half of it. The sword was way too precious to just destroy it, even if this weapon had blood of Valkyries on it, maybe it can help them one day.

"Lord Overseer, how do we proceed with Satomi Geto?" Amber asked.

"She is a hero for defeating the Valkyrie killer and is going to be one of our strongest." Otto said.

"She also awoke her stigmata." Amber added.

Otto chuckled and took another sip of wine.
"It is never the way it seems." He said.

Amber looked confused under her mask.

"Sorry, I think this was enough wine for an evening." Otto said.

Satomi was sitting on her schoolwork while she listened to some music.
The young girl had thrown herself into studieing and sport to prevent to think about Elham. She wanted to ignore the fact that her very best friend was not with her, possible gone until they reunite in the afterlive.

Satomi was definetly going to take the A-rang exam and she felt ready for it.
She also improved her fighting skills, Ombré always gave her a lot of tips that helped.

Satomi heared a knock on the door. She took her earphones out and walked over to open the door.

"Miss Satomi Geto?" The woman infront of her door asked. She was wearing a white shirt, a long black coat that almost reached the floor, back pants and brown shoes. Her hair was bond in a pony tale. Satomi didn't know who this was but she then spotted Theresa beside the stranger.

"Yes?" Satomi said confused.
"I'm sorry for the disturbance but I would like to talk with you about your future." The stranger said. Satomi's eyes jumped to Theresa. She nodded.

"Sure, come in." Satomi said and let the two in. They sat down at the kitchen table.

"Allow me to introduce myself, I am Martha von Radetz, S-Rang Valkyrie and member of the fourth special unit of Schicksal." The stranger, Martha said.

"Special unit?" Satomi asked confused.

It was Theresa who spoke this time.
"With the rise of technology and terrorism, Schicksal needed to create units that focus on just one target." The principal said.

"That is correct. The first special union that focuses on the inner securety, the second union who fights against spys in our organisation, the third unit that takes out illegal organisations and the fourth unit who that helps the others when needed." Martha said.

"So you guys are Schicksal but fight humans?" Satomi asked confused.

Martha chuckled for some reason.
"We do fight the Honkai when it's needed but our main enemy are humans." She said.

"Okay, I think I got that but..why are you here, Miss von Radetz?" Satomi asked.

"I want you in my unit after you became an A-Rang Valkyrie." Martha said.

"She is scary." Ombré said from the side. No one but Satomi could see or hear her. But that didn't made Satomi denie the existence of her shadow.

"I won't be done with school after I finished the exam." Satomi said hesitaing.

"That won't be a problem. I gave you special premission to skip the school years." Theresa said. She looked a bit angry. Satomi didn't belive the principal had a choice.

"But I can still finish it if I want to, can't I?" Satomi asked.

"Of course you can, no one want's to push you. I will be honest, I want the woman who defeated the Valkyrie killer for my own unit before anyone else can steal you from me." Martha said.

"Talk with the principal first." Ombré said from the side.

"Can I talk with the principal in privacy?" Satomi asked.

"Sure." Martha said.

Satomi and Theresa stood up and walked into the bedroom of Satomi.

"Principal, I need help with that. I don't know what to do." Satomi admitted.

"First, ask yourself if you want to finish St. Freya or go into the battle after the exam." Theresa said.

"I guess..both is good." Satomi said but hesitated.

"Martha is an honest woman but it's her work that you should care about. Fighting against the Honkai and humans can be troublesome and you will also get special training which is one of the hardest trainings Schicksal has to offer...and you will also search for missing Valkyries and be a personal securety guard." Theresa said.

Satomi's mind jumped to Elham.
"I could search for Elham while I fight those organisations." Satomi said out loud.

"Satomi don't let your emotions take such an important decision!" Theresa said a bit loud.

"Aha. Let's go back." Satomi said and walked out of her room, back to the kitchen table. Theresa only followed her.

Martha looked at them with a smile on her lips.

"If I become an A-Rank Valkyrie, I'll join you." Satomi said.

Satomi made Theresa regret telling her student about the search missions for lost Valkyrie the fourth unit takes. But Satomi also made Martha smile happly.

"Then I wish you good luck for your exam, I will contact you after it and please don't forget that you can still say no if you change your mind." Martha said and left Satomi's dorm.

Once she was in the hallway, she picked her phone out of her pocket and made a call.

"Yes, she accepted and looked very eager. Of course I hid the listening device, now do your part or I'll kill you." Martha said and hung up.

"Foolish Otto. My time on your seat will come." Martha said and smiled innocent.

"Theresa-sama, I need to know more about the guys who attacked and took Elham!" Satomi shouted.

"I know but think about it again and again. The A-Rang exam is soon so you have time."
Theresa said calm and collected.

Satomi knew she was right and suddenly felt sorry for shouting at Theresa.

"Satomi, I just don't want that you make such a decision just because of your emotions about Elham but if you truly want it, I won't stop you." Theresa said.

"Okay." Satomi said and looked down on the ground. Ombré just stood silently beside her.
Theresa left Satomi's dorm.

"This Martha was scary." Ombré said. Satomi was lost in her thoughts and wasn't answering.

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