Chapter 3 - Aurora

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It was cold, the water and stone of the lake is frozen beneath her. The land shook and the thin sheet of ice felt more brittle than before. She was back there again, on that frozen lake, so young and innocent.

"Father!" She called out, her voice high pitched as the child she was.

"You can do it, darling!" Her Father said "Just hold on steady and let your boots slide you back."

"I'm scared!"

"Just-" Father closed his fist and exhaled deep "It's okay to be scared, aye? Father is scared all the time. It's true."


"Yes. But it does not mean I give up. My Fears does not stop me from doing what I need to do. So should you! You're Rhexar's Daughter!"

The sky blew another set of cold winds on the Arlahan lake. The mountains and trees around it is clothed in white glittering ice and snow. It stretches through every corners of Coldlands. The lake should be frozen still this hour of the day but she could not figure out why it was melting. She was on the center of the lake walking when she heard the cracks of the sheets of ice.

"You could do it, Aurora!" Father said again "Just slide one foot after the other and you're here. Just try not to step them, good? Balance your weight."

"Good." She wanted to go back to her Father so badly, to walk on safe land and be wrapped around his arms.

She moved one foot, sliding it across the sheet of cracking ice. The sound of it terrified her. She moved one small foot ahead then the other, and she advanced, yet the cracklings could still be heard.

"That's good." Father said, "Careful now... move one foot after the other..."

"Is it true what they say?" She asked.

"What do they say?"

"That it's so cool down there?"

For a moment, Father did not respond, and it scared her. "Rogare told you didn't he?"

"Uncle did, yes, but he was just scaring me, right Father?"

Her Father sighed. He put one finger up and opened his mouth, then he paused and hesitated. He closed them and pulled his finger down. Father sighed again.

"Aye, he was scaring you, but it's true what he said. The water below the ice is as cold as it can get. It hurts, it aches your head."

Her heart beats more quickly after that. "But I don't want it to hurt, Father." She said tears falling down "Help me!"

"It would not hurt if you avoid it, Aurora. Now, just slide your other foot again and you'll get closer."

"Father!" She wailed and sheet of ice beneath her had a wail of its own. It crashed and pulled her down to the pool of piercing cold water. It swallowed her whole and buried her deep beneath the ice.

She screamed, pulling her head up to the surface then from her bed. Her head sung a pain, a beating sensation that made her winced. A girl arranging something at a desk jolted at her scream.

"You're awake!" The girl said. "Just lay your head back, you'll be fine. I'm just going to get you some water."

She left by the door before she could even respond. Did... did I... did I overslept?

She looked around and found herself in a well decorated room. The walls are built in stone, a luxury Iceborns rarely enjoy. Inside are furniture made in delicate woodwork. A long wooden shelf occupies one side of the wall just below the only window of the room. Her bed is at the opposite side. Dust swirl and dance at the light streaming down from the window.

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