Chapter 9 - Aurora

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Aurora climbed the high walls of the premises again. This time, she had left early. Leigh is still at the house and up there she was, sneaking through rooftops and parapets. It was dangerous, she knew, but the challenge is what's driving her. She was partially satisfied this day after all and she needs to let go a few of her steam.

They had found the body of that pervert boy down the other day on the Cabins where she had left him. She knew they would find him eventually, it was inevitable. She feared the boy might confess and lie about his intentions. Who would they believe? The word of a boy whom has lived with them all his life, or the word of a newcomer girl? Though at the moment, she heard that he was unconscious and it slightly put her at ease. When the boy wakes, she'll be in trouble. She has to make sure the boy never speaks of her action, however justified it was.

Aurora continued to ran across the rooftops, her eyes adjusting to the bright sunlight that was slowly fading into a warm, orange glow as the sun began to set. As she made her way across the rooftops, she spotted Mark, sitting on a plush cushion, holding a book on his hands, where they found each other few days ago. He squinted when he saw her, and then smiled, closing the book and placing it down beside him.

Aurora couldn't help but feel drawn to Mark, that's why she came here. He exuded a certain charm and sophistication that set him apart from the other boys she knew. His hazel eyes sparkled in the fading light, and his tousled hair gave him a carefree yet polished look.

"You were not here yesterday." She said.

"Oh I'm sorry, did you miss me terribly?" Mark said, "Are you thirsty for more trivia?"

"A bit presumptuous, aren't we?" Aurora retorted with a smirk, ignoring the flutter in her chest. "I just happened to pass by. Your absence didn't exactly leave a gaping hole in my day."

Mark chuckled, leaning back against the cushion. "Ouch, Aurora. You wound me."

"I just wanted to enjoy the sunset," Aurora replied, "And Maiari when she finally rose up."

"Maiari..." Mark chewed on the word "I could not get that off my head. I turned our library upside down just to learn more."

"Maybe it's time to believe in her."

"I'm not religious." He said "And certainly not to something I've recently heard about."

"If you say so." She said sitting beside him "So... what did you learn about her?"

"Nothing!" He said "None of our papers say anything about what you said. I'm convince you made them up."

"I did not!" She defended. Truly, Mark would not find anything about Maiari, it was Coldlands belief after all, and there are no nomad priests to spread the knowledge. It's a good thing for them to have the Nomad Priests of Lord Sun to spread their faith.

"But I did find this!" Mark showed her the book "Captain Crystalhorn! Eaglesoar's National Hero. I love this!"

"Never heard of him." She said, then she remembered something "And you, you didn't keep your word."


"Leigh. You did not tell her."

"I didn't see Leigh at the Mansion. It was only her Mother, you know."

"Then where did she go?" Aurora asked "And she said she don't know any Mark. Who are you?"

"Well..." Mark turned red "Soon you will learn. Let's focus on Leigh first. Did she tell you she goes to the Mansion?"

"She goes there every night." She said "I left earlier today though. She's still at the house and will surely leave later."

"Interesting..." Mark rubbed his chin "I've never seen Leigh be coming to the mansion recently."

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