Chapter 13: Jane

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As the head servant of the Growth household, Jane's life was a well-ordered routine of service and discretion. Each morning, she rose before dawn, her footsteps echoing softly through the grand halls as she oversaw the preparation of breakfast and ensured the house was immaculate. Jane had an eye for detail; no speck of dust escaped her notice, no corner remained untidy under her watch.

This day, however, is different. The day after Lord Maynard's departure, a report was delivered to her by Shiela, one of the gardener of Growth's estate. She showed her an unconscious man laying on a bed of bushes beneath the shade of some ancient oak.

"Is that Pavel?" she recognized instantly, "Got wasted again?"

"Might be," said Sheila, "But I don't smell it."

Jane sighed as they tried to rouse him up, "Good morrow, Sir, wake up." She shook him gently, but Sir Pavel remained unresponsive. "Pavel, wake up. Come on, Sir, it's time to get up," she urged, but there was no reaction. If Lady Grenda see you like this!

Sheila knelt beside him, patting his cheeks lightly. "Sir Pavel, can you hear us?" she said louder this time. "I have been poking him with stick the moment I saw him, but he lays still." Sheila told her as she continues to shake him. Pavel lay still indeed, his breathing shallow and his face unmoving.

"Oh Great Shepherd," Jane cursed, "Stay here with him and watch him. I will go find Mary and some men to carry him inside."

"I will." Sheila said as Jane begun to move in haste.

Jane hated these types of irresponsible men. If they are to get drunk at night, at least have the system strong enough to wake the next morning and to do their duty! She found some guards chatting near the eastern pasture and she commanded them to go to the front yard and carry their comrade inside the nursing room. Jane had been the head servant since she was a child and she commands respect amongst all the ranks in the Growths estate. The only ones that seemed above her are the Growths themselves.

When she reached the Thonsbaug's house, she found Leigh, laying half asleep on a wooden long chair. "Good Morrow, Leigh, where is your mother?"

"Good morrow, Jane." Leigh said rubbing her eyes, "She's inside. Why?"

"Someone needs medical care." Jane said, walking inside to ask for the Lady Mary.

"Again?" Asked Leigh, "What happened?"

"Some soldier is found knocked out at the gardens of the front yard." She told Leigh as she found Lady Mary cradling the little Timmy on her arms. "My Lady, your medical skills are needed once again. A soldier is found unconscious. I've sent him to the nursing room. May you attend him?"

"Again?" She asked too, "That room is getting sicker and sicker. How many has it been this month? Four?"

"Three, my Lady"

"Dear God. I'll be there at once. Let me just put this babe to bed."

"As you will, my Lady." Said Jane as she left her to go oversee Pavel at the nursing room. Leigh does not feel like a Lady, Jane noted for the hundredth time. Leigh is born a noble, but she doesn't embody that. Unlike her Mother or that Lucas. Jane shrugged. Perhaps because she has grown up with her. But even then when they were young, Leigh had always been so friendly. Jane could not understand.

When she reached the nursing room of the Mansion, she went to one of the guard to get information. "Did the beer last night ran thick, Sir?" They were standing before the bed where they put Pavel.

"Beer?" Asked the Soldier. He was Kyle, one of the young new guards enlisted to the house Growth. "There were no drinking last night, m'Lady."

"I am no Lady, Sir." Jane reminded him, "Am a servant as you are. If there were no drinking, why has it that Pavel is laying there asleep and drunk."

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