Chapter 10 - Maynard

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Everyone was sent back to their room after that "trial". The boys to the farm, the nobles to their houses, and Aunt Grenda to her office. His Lady Aunt made the efforts of bringing Aurora into a new room inside the Mansion for compensation for her misjudgment. Lastly, Axel was returned to the nursing room. That leaves Maynard wandering the corridors of his Mansion.

While that hearing reveals the truth of that really happened, it also adds another layer of mystery to that girl Aurora. Who is she?? Everything about her somehow does not make any sense. She's an orphan who knows a lot, she's a girl capable for defeating a boy as strong as Axel, and she does not recognize who Maynard is. That made Maynard more inclined to go and get to know her more.

He continued to walkthrough  the long high corridors of his Mansion. Tall windows bringing light into the dark labyrinth halls while the torches burned low. The storm born from the rain earlier growled outside like a rumbling giant. Thunder strikes every now and then, but Maynard is too busy collecting his thoughts to take heed. Even the shadows went trivial, they don't scare him anymore.

Aurora. She was almost raped by Axel, but she defended herself by almost killing him. Oh Aurora. She was falsely accused of attempted murder and was judged if he did not intrude Lady Grenda. If he did not figure it out early, if he had solved the case late, she would've been doomed. I solved the case! He thought.

Then Maynard remembered his pact with Aunt Grenda. The deal was straightforward: If he solved the case, she would allow him to visit the Temple on the Mother Mountains. He could go with his Sister now that he did that! Maynard rushed back to Aunt Grenda's office.

"Lady Aunt." Maynard greeted.

"Maynard." Aunt Grenda said without looking at him. She's busy reading and crumpling papers

Initially, Maynard wandered about, examining Lady Grenda's office. Pictures of her youth adorned the walls, accompanied by wilted plants and shelves overflowing with papers.

"The case is solved." He motioned near the shelves "The deal is done. The truth's revealed, and I see that your promise is dead, Aunty."

"Don't touch those, leave them be." Lady Grenda simply said.

Maynard walked away from the shelves and leaned his elbow to Aunt Grenda's table. "Come on, Aunty, you know what I'm talking about."

"I don't want to talk about it." She said "I don't want you to go." She continued with her work.

"But I solved the case!" He pleaded.

"You were too late."

"If I hadn't arrived, your misjudgment would have cost her her life."

"And that gives me fear, boy." Aunt Grenda looked at him as she removed her reading glasses. "If I decide to let you go, and I'm wrong again, it would cost you your life. I don't want that to happen."

"You can't be certain, Aunty," Maynard pointed out, "What if the decision of not allowing me is the wrong one?"

"Then there is no consequence." She said "I can live with that, at least."

"Come on, Aunty." Maynard said grabbing his Aunt's hands "I promise we will be careful. We will be safe."

Aunt Grenda did not respond.

"If you will not keep little promises, who will trust you with bigger promises?" Maynard said "You taught me that. You taught me words matter. If you will not keep your words, Aunty, then what good is your teachings?"

Aunt Grenda released a huge defeated sigh.

"Come on Aunty, you keep your promise, and I keep my promise of being careful and safe."

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