Chapter 19 - Aurora

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Aurora wore a dress that flowed with vibrance and majesty. She didn't ask for it, but the servants of this town assisted her of dressing up for the feast tonight. She loved the way they tended each parts of her, like bees pollinating a garden. Every now and then, she catches a smile forming on her lips through the mirror, so she did her best to hold them.

Before the mirror, she watched herself transform as servants fluttered like birds, their delicate hands painting her face in glamour and jewelry. Elara, May, and Selene are the names of these girls who tended her. She made friends with them the other day, then suddenly the girls told her that they were asked to prepare her for the Feast tonight by the Lady Maine. She was thankful for that and now here they are with their oils, powders, jewelries, and brushes. 

Early in the morning, the girls chatted about the recent raids of the Mountain Clansman. They pointed out that Iceborns are just as worst as the Clansmen. "Iceiders, my Father would call them." May said, "He fought with Lord Supreme Robert during the war, and now he is fighting them again in our Town, though now they are called Clansmen. 'Different group, same animal' He told us everyday."

Aurora listened to them talked filthy about her people. They don't know what they talk about, Aurora, She told herself. They were her new friends after all, so she restrained herself from objecting them, and she loosen her fist. It had been odd to her, they liked Aurora as their friend, but they hated Iceborns. If only they knew, she thought.

Elara did her fingernails, while May planted a few gems on her hair and hung a few on her ears. Selene did the painting to her face which was soon joined by May after she's done with the jewelries. While they did that, Aurora kept her gaze at herself in front of the mirror.

The scent of fragrant oil filled the air, mingling with her happy thoughts about Maynard. I can't wait for him to see me! She smiled again and looking at her reflection she understood why Maynard would fall for a girl like her. Her lips like petals of red roses, her hair like a river of wine, and her ears were branches that holds fruits made of rubies.

"It's done, Dame." The girls told her as they moved away.

I'm beautiful, she thought to herself as she straightened her posture and touched her hair. Aurora stood and the fabric of her flowing emerald dress draped around her like the embrace of nature itself. Darius might think I'm his daughter, she thought to herself. She liked what she look like and she can't wait for Maynard to took note of them.

"Thank you for your help." She told them and the girls left her.

"We'll be getting ready ourselves, Dame Aurora!" Elara told her.

"See you at the feast!" May said and Selene simply blew her a kiss saying "Goodbye pretty girl."

When it's time for the feast, Aurora left her chambers and went to the Grand Hall, where crowds of Vistari filled the place. Her eyes sought for the three girls but she couldn't find them. Maybe they weren't done yet with their  preparations. She started looking for Maynard and she couldn't find him neither. She almost felt like an outcast, the only Iceborn among them, and they didn't even know it. Come on... where are you?? 

Looking around, she felt like walking the palace of King Galador over Saxhold. Not that she have seen Saxhold, but rather the Grand Hall have that sense of majesty. The hall was adorned with shimmering tapestries, intricate chandeliers, and polished marble floors that reflected the glow of countless candles. Surely Saxhold is as grand as this place, she thought to herself. Although it felt like Saxhold, the place is filled with Vistari and it was like she wasn't welcome.

The long wooden table at the heart of the Hall is adorned with an abundance of delectable dishes and glistening silverware, each piece meticulously arranged to entice both the eye and the tongue. Aurora stood there with her lips holding back her saliva from pouring out.

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