Chapter 24 - Jane

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The sun was high by the time Jane and Martin had reached the Growth's estate. A few soldiers here and there patrol the premises and Jane did not recognize most of them. They were not wearing armor, but their rugged overalls, worn boots, and sun-bleached hats. Villagers.

When the destrier halted at the stables, Jane swiftly leapt from the saddle and composed herself. She had not enjoyed the ride, not once. Martin had placed her in front, between his armored thighs during the journey, and that was most uncomfortable. Would that she had a choice. Jane had fallen from the horse a few leagues hence when she was riding at the rear. Had they not been in such haste, her finger would not have slipped. Ridiculous! she thought.

"Fresh faces," Martin noted, "Who are these men?"

"How would I know?" She said as the cool air bite into her skin.

"Want to snark? Now is not the time. Who's left in charge?"

Jane's nose fumed, "It's Lady Mary, her and Leigh was left in charge by Joseph."

"Leigh?? Princess Unicorn of La-La Land is left in charge during this war??? Is he a fool?"

Jane could not argue. The Mansion is in disarray and it was stupid to leave the command to Mary and Leigh, but what were their choices? There are no Growths left. Lord Maynard was still in the Mountains—or probably in the Harvesther's territory by now—and Lady Grenda was dead. It was done in haste with no thought put into it.

Martin begun to march into the Mansion and Jane hurried to catch up, pulling her cloak tight around her. He took his helm off and held it on his side. The light amber hair of House Growth was cut short in the standard of a soldier. He wore it well when he was still in the military, but now the cut was like a crown upon a beggar's head.

"What are you doing? We are sent to rally men." she asked

"We'll do that, but let me put my House into order first."

Jane looked around and saw the unfamiliar men pulling wagons of logs and wagons of tools. They were coming and going to the forest near the lake on the outskirts of the Growth's estate. They were the town's people from Bellsfort south from here, she suddenly recognized. Old Haris was one of the men there, lifting logs and shovels. 

I could put order into things, she thought since she has the power as the Head Servant but it seemed as though Lady Mary put these things into work. However dedicated Martin is, Jane doubts they would listen to him. It was no sooner they had found Leigh rushing about with few men on her tails searching for something. 

"Hey, where's your Mother?" asked Martin.

"Oh hey Martin! Jane you're back!" Leigh said, "She's up at Lady Grenda's office writing letters."

"That bitch." Martin cursed as he walked away.

Jane and Leigh stared at each other for a good long moment.

"He's..." Jane opened her hands to explain, "You know how he is, don't take offense."

"I don't," said Leigh, "Everyone mourns in their own way."

Jane had to disagree in Martin's unique case, but she has no time for it. "Maybe we do," she said, leaving her.

"You two are getting along." Leigh said and it stopped Jane on her tracks, "It's nice to see that." 

"We don't." She said and continued to walk away.

Jane reached the office just on time when Martin was about to open the doors. Martin pushed the door open and Jane followed him inside, steeling herself for the confrontation. Lady Mary looked up from the desk, her expression calm.

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