Chapter 22 - Jane

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As Jane and Leigh walked the dark hallways of the mansion, the cold winds of dawn blowing through the windows. The regions of Vistarion north of the mountain ranges are cold during these seasons, and now the Vistaris shivers. She pulled the fur cloak she took from her room tighter around her shoulders.

"Cold winds, cold tidings." Leigh said, "I suppose the old sayings are true. Last night's tidings were cold, yet this tidings we bring are colder."

"Let's pray Joseph handles them well." Jane said. The soft glow of the light bulbs illuninated their path, yet the sky outside the window was dim for the sun is yet to rise. "How did he took the news last night?"

"He was..." Leigh seems hesitant, "He did not say a word after Lord Philip had spoken the news. He was angry, we can all can tell, but he tried his best to hide it."

"Is he fine now?"

"I don't know. After the gathering at the hall, we can all hear him shouting at Martin in their chambers. After the messengers were sent to inform the other Lords, and after Martin and Lord Philip left to search for you, Joseph went and caused a mess on the Kitchen. She saw me and asked me to clean it up."

"Mess in the kitchen?"

"He threw the silverware awry and opened all the shelves."

"Was he looking for something?"

Leigh shrugged.

Jane shook her head in displeasure. "I can't even imagine his pain."

"Yeah, like I can't even process it well and I'm not even related to her. Joseph is her husband, and her blood too." Leigh sighed.

Joseph is a man of dedication and iron will. He united the severed bloodline of House Growth through correct alliances and marriage. With his silver tongue and strategic wits, he fixed what was broken for a hundred years. How will he fix this issue now?

A betrayal from another Great House is not easily fixed, and not something Joseph will want to fix. Lady Grenda was his wife after all. Joseph, I'm sorry.

They reached the end of the hallway, where a large wooden door loomed. Jane never feared opening doors all her life, yet now this door posed itself a challenge. Jane took a deep breath before pushing it open.

Inside, Joseph sat by the window, his back leaning against the window frame, staring out into the sky. Tears fell from his eyes and a bottle of Twilight Red was on his hands. Many more bottle both full and empty of wine strewn across the floor before him.

"Joseph, I am home." She declared somberly.

"Jane... is that really you?" Joseph slurred his words, "The beast... have they caught the beast? I assumed it also... oh Lord... you're alive." Tears flowed out of his eyes and Jane could hear his sobbing.

"I'm sorry for what happened to her." Jane told him but she needs those words too.

"She is all that I have." Joseph's gaze fell upon the sky again, "She's my flame, my rose in my garden, the trophy at the end of my journey. She's all that I've ever wanted. Now the trophy is... gone. I will make that beast pay."

And she's my mother, Jane wanted to say.

"We are so sorry for your lost." Leigh said, "Lady Grenda will be avenged. Jane is back, she will tell you."

Joseph looked at his hands as if he did not know what they were. One of them choked the Twilight Red. "If only I had not left... if only I stayed with her. What is some wheat against the woman I love??"

The two girls did not respond. They remain standing before the mess of a man that Joseph had become, and silence hung between them.

"Where is that beast?" Joseph asked, "Have they caught it when they found you."

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