Chapter 7 - Aurora

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It has been few days since she arrived on Vistarion and she loved it there. Every day is just the same at the Farm, and Aurora loves it! They woke up, eat, go to the gardens, do whatever they please, eat again, do whatever they wish, facilitate the farm, then eat for the last time. It wasn't too exciting, yet it wasn't boring either.

After they watered the Garden, Aurora and Leigh went to the eastern side of the Farm. The pathway there is more sturdy than the pathway taken to the farm that they spray. This one is built from brick stones, the same material as the bottom materials the mansion is built upon.

"And over the cove when you pass the forest is a lake." Leigh said.

"Lake?" Aurora asked. She did not understand what was Leigh talking about. Only that she mentioned Lake.

She liked drifting over the sheets of ice on lakes. However, Old Icestone with its Icy name isn't freezing like Coldlands. She doubt the lake was even icing. Only, maybe, that it was cold.

"Lake, over there." Leigh pointed "Are you listening Aury?"

"Yeah, I was." She said, lying.

"What was I talking about?" Leigh stopped, hands between her waist.

"You said there was a lake over there." Aury pointed.

"Anything else?" Leigh said in an annoyed tone.

Aurora slowly lifted her shoulders and awkwardly smiled to Leigh.

"I said there were cabins there. Oh nevermind. Come on, let's go."

Aurora followed Leigh on another twisted path. The stone bricks were still there, yet they seemed to be destroyed and parting away. After few steps, the pathway faded and all that's left is mud and grass.

There was a canal flowing just around the corner of where they walk. They followed it in opposite direction of its current. After that, they found themselves on the other side of the mansion where it's filled with broken statues of naked men.

"Who are these?" She asked.

"I don't know. They were spare and rejected statues for the garden in front of the Mansion." Leigh said.

"They should at least have names." She said.

"They've been around for as long as I can remember. If they had names, I did not learn them. Come on, the greenhouse is over there."

She followed Leigh again, leaving the broken disheveled statues behind. They were mouldy, crawled with roots and vines, and were incomplete human figure. Broken parts, missing arms, blinded eyes, and hacked heads. Yet even in their trashy form they looked better made than the stella statues they have back Home.

The Greenhouse was large expanse of vegetations covered in white translucent walls. Inside it are varieties of plants and vegetables. They have something like that in Coldlands yet they were scarce. Only the Iceborns who have stone walls farm.

They took a basket and filled it with tomatoes and those long violet vegetables. "What's this called?" She asked.

"Eggplant." Leigh said.

Aurora took a good look at the eggplant. It was long and violet, with a little green on top. It doesn't look like an egg.

"I know it doesn't look like an egg, but trust me, it is called that." Leigh assured.

"Before it was farmed and domesticated, it sure does looked like an egg." A voice said. It was Lucas wearing that smug smile on his face again.

"What do you know about plants before its domestication?" Leigh retorted "Mr. Harvesther?"

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