Chapter 11 - Aurora

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After Aurora and Leigh had finished their dinner, Mary, the mother of Leigh, returned home with little Timmy cradled in her arms. The baby was simply adorable, with his bright eyes and ginger hair. Once Timmy was sound asleep, Mary checked on Aurora, her motherly instincts in full force. She wanted to ensure that Aurora wasn't traumatized by the recent events. Aurora reassured her that everything was alright, and soon, the three of them retired for the night, as the room plunged into darkness.

It appeared that Leigh wasn't going anywhere for the night, as her mother's unexpected return had left her with no excuse. Aurora, however, had no such constraints, and she seized the opportunity to escape through the window and take to the parapets and rooftops. She ran across the slippery tiles, braving the wetness left by the recent rainfall. Leigh may not see Lucas tonight, but Aurora will meet Maynard. She likes the company of that boy, him and the moonlight with them. Despite the treacherous footing, Aurora navigated the rooftop with agility, careful not to let the rainwater dampen her spirits.

As she finally arrived at their designated meeting spot, Aurora caught a glimpse of Maynard seated by the tower window, his body bathed in the soft moonlight with a book on his hands. The roof was a mess, with soggy rugs, scattered boxes, and waterlogged pillows littering the floor, bearing witness to the rain's recent wrath.

"Climb here with me." Maynard reached out his hands "We cannot seat there, it's wet."

Aurora reached his hands and he pulled her to the window. They settled in side by side, taking in the magnificent view outside. Maynard closed the book and his face turned to gaze towards the breathtaking view of full moon, suspended in the starry expanse overhead.

"She's beautiful, isn't she?" Maynard said, looking at her.

"Maiari is indeed beautiful." She said looking at the sky.

"You should teach me how to fight sometime. My Father demands it and Aunt Grenda insists, though I can seem to manage."

"It's easy to fight." She said "But it's hard to win."


It was still a shock to Aurora that the boy she had grown so close to on the rooftops was, in fact, the Lord. The realization was so surreal that she couldn't bring herself to address him by his proper title, even now.

"So Lord Maynard, what is it..." She started "No! It feels weird calling you that."

Maynard laughed "It feels weirder hearing you say it."

"You should've been used to it by now. Many people call you Lord."

"You have not called me Lord until now. And surely you've addressed many people My Lord already."

"I've not met any Lord besides you."

"What?" Who else are the Lords?

"You've met Lucas, did you not?"

"He's a Lord??"

"I mean, his Father is, so technically he is." 

"I don't understand, so he is like you?" There were no customs like this back home.

"It's complicated." He said "Even Leigh is. She's the daughters of the late Lord Thonsbaug."

"I... What??" Everything she thought was are being challenged right now. "Leigh is a Lord?"

"No, she's a Lady. Lady is a female version of a Lord."



"Like Lady Grenda?"

"Yes!" Maynard said enthusiastically. "You see, my Grandfather, the late Lord Supreme Garland Growth has two children, a boy and a girl. Lady Grenda is the girl and my Lord Father is the boy. So you see, Lady and Lord."

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