Chapter 8 - Maynard

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Maynard sat admiring the girl's face, captivated by its sweetness and strength. Her red hair seemed to glow in the moonlight, like embers on a fire. He still is skeptical about her claim that she doesn't know him though. Even an orphan like yourself should know.

After he introduced himself as Mark, Aurora fell quiet again. Her eyes stare deeply at the pleasing night sky. Thousands of Stars are seen, shining over the dark amethyst painted sky. He could almost understand why the girl adores the heavens so badly.

She must've known the stories that when a man dies, his soul ascends to the heavens, or burn down deep in the seven hells. Of course, any man would wish to ascend to the Heavens. It must be where she thought her parents dwell. Up above the heavenly plains, watching their precious daughter grow up.

"Do you believe in God?" Maynard asked the girl.

"The Gods you mean." She chuckled. "There are more than one God, Mark."

Mark, he thought and smiled. "My words sticks on your head like hot butter, it seemed. I just told you, the Lord Sun, the Great Shepherd, and the Living Light are one God."

"And I understand that." Aurora said "I was talking about other Gods."

"Like Maynari?" Maynard asked.

"It's Maiari." She said "You do well to respect her. She's my protector."

"The moon as protector?" Maynard chuckled, "I would love myself a protector from bad dreams and bed bugs."

Maynard never heard of any pantheon of Gods consisting of that Name. He hasn't read everything to be fair, but a knowledge so common that a orphan girl like her knew shouldn't be so far from his ears. He should have heard of it, unless it isn't real.

Soon Aurora understood his sarcasm and her face went sour. "I do not like the cut of your tongue."

"I'm sorry!" Maynard smilingly pushed her shoulder gently with his fist, "I'm joking. Come on, tell me about the others too."

"You're mocking me."

"I'm not." He lied, "I'm just a bit skeptic. It seems to me that you're lying, so I'm simply testing you out."

"Those Gods are real, I'm telling the truth."

"And who are these other Gods?" He asked.

"Thaganar?" She said in an instant. "King Galador? Freilos, Maiari, Vahn?"

"You just made that up." Maynard said. They all sounded gibberish. Though to be honest, oddly familiar.

"I didn't." She said with a hint of offence in her tone.

"If you didn't, reciting them again would not be a problem, right?"

The girl sighed. "Thaganar, King Galador, Fraelos, Maiari, Vahn, Hagir, Darius, Thaganar, King Galador, Fraelos, Maiari, Vahn, Hagir, Darius, Thaganar, King Galador, Fraelos—"

"So a King is a God, you are trying to say?" Maynard interrupted. Though he has to admit, Thaganar sounded too familiar.

"King Galador?" Aurora sounded confused. "A lot of Co- I mean people, worship King Galador."

"If there's that much of abundancy, I should've known about it." He said. "And Thagawhat?"

"Maybe you did and you forgot. You're too focused with Lord Sun." Her tone seem to mock Lord Sun. "And it's Thaganar." That, on the other hand, is toned with respect.

"Thaganar." He played with his tongue "That sounded very familiar."

"Must be because you've heard of it." She said "It's real. I'm telling you."

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