Chapter 12 - Maynard

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Maynard can't wait to visit the Temple. He had woken so early this morning for his travel and now he is on his way to the Mountains, riding his coach wagon while being escorted by thirty soldiers. He was busy reading a book about Temples so that he may come prepared when he bare witness to the Temple of the Mother Mountains.

There were many temples across the world: The Brightspear Cathedral of Solaire, The Temple of Symexus at Aighe, The twelve pillars of Phan, The Pyramids of Savahn at Iztim, the sunken Valladon Monument, and many more. These are all buildings dedicated to different Gods of different cultures.

They call what they found on the Mother Mountains a Temple because the people who discovered it claimed to have seen four statues of glorified beings, hieroglyphics around the walls, and an altar standing at the center deep within. With those details, one could only assume that the building is a Temple. And because of that, the people hoped to learn who are the Gods their ancestors worshiped before the Brightspear faith came along. Maynard is one of those who are most eager to learn.

As he turned to the next page, the coach wagon turned to a halt and Maynard was pushed out of his thought.

"We arrived, my Lord." Allan said, "Let's board you to the train."

Maynard closed his book and left the Coach. They have arrived at the Train Station south of the Growth's territory. The Mountain Gate Terminal is once again cleared with people, for Lord Maynard's travel. The other Train Station of Old Icestones—named Stable Terminal—is located at the City of Tradefield on the Weath's territory. That one connects all the neighboring regions of Vistarion north of the mountain ranges: Old Icestones, Frozelands, and Icesteps.

The Soldiers escorting him came down from their horses and examined the Rock Steed Train and the Mountain Gate Terminal before Maynard had entered. They were fully armored the whole time, as the instructions from Lady Grenda have them prepared. Green and Blue that glistened against the sunlight like emerald and sapphire gems.

After Sergeant Symoun had announced the Rock Steed Train to be secured, Maynard entered and sat on his chambers. The Train is necessary for traveling the Mountains, for the terrain and long distances would not allow normal vehicles to navigate them. The Train systems all around Vistarion are designed by the Smith and Growth Lords during the nation's early days.

Maynard did not continue to read his book at the Train. He wished to reserve his energy for the exploration of the Temple. So he slept, wondering what Maine looked after all these years. His Sister would've loved to see Leigh, Jane, Martin, and Bryce, but they were not allowed to visit.

In his dreams, there were hundreds and thousands of stone giants, whos shoulders brushed against the clouds. They were walking, all mightily and all ever dreadful. Maynard found himself climbing one of them at the shoulder with an iron pickaxe.

Up above clouds where the wind blew strong, Maynard held his grip tight at the pickaxe. He hanged there, observing the world below him. The beauty, the magnificence, and how small it appeared from the shoulder of the stone giant. Birds flew beside him and some perched over the cracks on the giant's shoulders.

As Maynard continued to climbed up, the giant turned to face him. Its eyes were deep frozen sapphire. This time, the stone giant growled and swept Maynard off of his shoulders. Rocks and dusts and Maynard came falling down from the Giant's shoulder and came hurtling down to face the earth.

"I'm dead!!!" Maynard screamed as he came crushing down. He tried to grab at anything he could reach but everything turned to dust. As he turned to face the earth, it came rising towards him with blooming flowers. He landed on a bed of roses and was safe and sound.

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