Chapter 17 - Jane

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Jane had always hated the Riders in Black. They always bring bad news. The last one came few days ago, giving her a parchment with the message that Maine canceled her visit. This time, it came late afternoon and had busied the entire mansion. He left his horse in the front yard and went in the Mansion to seek an audience with the Lord of Old Icestones. Since Maynard went for a trip on the Mother Mountains, Jane took the rider directly to Lady Grenda to deliver his message.

As they entered the chamber, Jane declared, "Lady Grenda, a rider from the coast seeks your presence."

Lady Grenda, seated at her desk amidst the towering parchments and the affairs of the region, looked up with a raised brow. Her face stern is cold just as Jane is accustomed whenever the Lady deals with important matters. The rider's fully black and rugged appearance and somber demeanor took the attention of the room.

"A Rider in Black!" Lady Grenda acclaimed, "Is it true what the songs say, that 'Black are the tongues of riders in black'?"

"I'm afraid that's true, my Lady." The rider smiled awkwardly.

Lady Grenda chuckled, "Go on then, good Sir, speak with your black tongue,"

The rider bowed slightly, his voice carrying the cadence of one well-practiced in delivering news of import. "My Lady, I am Aeric Longstride, a rider sent from the coast. I bear a message from the soldiers stationed northwest. Three Iceborn Chieftains from the Coldlands have arrived with an army of Iceborns aboard five ships. More are said to be on their way. They seek a parley, requesting a private audience with the Lord of Old Icestones."

Lady Grenda's lips quirked into a wry smile, "Dark words indeed flows out of black tongues." she jested, her fingers idly tracing the edge of a parchment, "Are they here for a war?"

"A parley, they said, my Lady." 

"Ah yes, a parley." She mulled the word. "A parley... for the Lord of Old Icestones?"

"Yes, my Lady."

"Hmm, but you see, good sir, I am no Lord. Do you not see my huge teats?"

Jane stifled a chuckle, and the rider, Aeric, went red looking at Lady Grenda's teats. "I am aware of Lord Maynard's departure to the Mother Mountains, my Lady. What then will I tell the Chieftains of this matter?"

"A parley with an army of Iceborns, you say." Lady Grenda's gaze narrowed as she processed the information. "Curious indeed. I'd rather believe you say that they have slain the kraken than for them to seek a parley. What do they hope to achieve through such a request?"

Aeric's gaze remained steady, "I am unaware of such information, my Lady."

"Jane, what do you think they wish to discuss?"

Jane's heart sank at the sudden involvement of her name. "Must be of importance, my Lady, if three Chieftains came with an army for a parley. It may be about the recent raid they did when you went into a circus, my Lady."

"Yes, it might be." Lady Grenda agreed, "Or it could be a trap to capture the Lord of Old Icestones. Invite him to a parley, get him vulnerable for capture. How can we be sure the three Chieftains are truly the chieftains and can be trusted?"

"They command an Army, my Lady. The largest I've seen for the last 10 years."

For the last 10 years; That sentence took Jane to the past, during her youth of innocence. That war against the Iceborns was led by Lord Robert Growth, before his rise to supremacy. She was still a child at that time, witnessing Maynard crying for the death of his Mother. 

"Ah. That settles it then." Lady Grenda put the parchment down "They have my attention."

"And one of the Chieftains, my Lady, offers his trust by surrendering himself beyond your walls, to have a discussion with the Lord in private."

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