// the end //

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n o t e s


It's finished.

Just... Wow.

#milorgie for life [just a question... who first came up with #milorgie as their ship name? I thank you]

I honestly cannot fathom how this got so popular so fast.

o n e - s h o t

I've read most of them and I want to give feedback later on so I will. This one shot was just so I could read some of your stuff and find some talent in the making, hopefully I could help you.

m e s s a g e

Someone else's suicide isn't your fault. Suicide should never be an option. Things get bad, life sucks, people leave; that's just how it works but think about the way you'd feel or think about the way you felt... Would you wish that on someone else? Imagine how the people around you would feel without you there. Think about it. Travis, Miles, and Georgia all went through something similar and don't even get me started on their families. You are someone's light whether you know it or not, you have that final say of whether or not to let it dim. Someone needs you. You need you.

o n t h e f l i p s i d e

The overall message of brown haired boy and train wreck isn't making someone else your medicine or using someone to get over something traumatic. I in no way think that you should depend on someone else for your happiness and your recovery because in reality, people leave. I want you to better yourself for yourself; make yourself someone that you'll be proud of. I wanted to show how lost Miles was and after some time alone and a guiding hand, he eventually did get better, at least a little bit.

People learn from the bad mostly and I wanted to show how bad it can get when you depend on others or making someone better for the soul purpose of making yourself feel useful. Georgia is a lesson as is Miles and I do think they compliment each other. I recently noticed that she accepted him through all of his faults and he fell for the person she is, no amount of arguing changed that. They wanted each other, they needed each other but even when they weren't together, they still breathed. They survived without each other but they preferred to survive with each other.

You don't need anyone else to be a better you and although, they haven't realized it yet, I envision them realizing it in the future and growing as people so they can grow as a couple.

h o p e s

I hope this gave you a different outlook on life, the purpose of my writing is to change your way of thinking, make you fall in love with yourself not just the idea, make you feel something.

"she never looked nice; she looked like art and art isn't supposed to look nice... it's supposed to make you feel something." -eleanour and park


what's one thing you'd tell miles and/ or georgia if you had the chance?

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