Jail Cell

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"Ms. Walsh, always a pleasure." Andy said and I sighed as I started getting my papers out and getting everything ready. Andy came walking over to my table.

"Talk to your client into taking the plea, it will be so much better than the trail." Andy whispered.

"Scared you'll lose again to me Barber?" I asked getting closer to his face and he groaned backing away.

"Come one Blair...we both know he is guilty there is so much against him." Andy said and I shook my head.

"And I can fight everything you throw at us Andy. Just go back to your table and work on trying to win." I said and he sighed. He looked me up and down once and I placed my hands on my hips and stared at him.

"Problem Barber?" I asked and he just smirked and shook his head and walked away. Once he was back at his table, I did everything I could to cool myself down. Something about the stare of Andrew Barber drove my insides wild, not to mention the puddle it made me have between my legs. He made me crazy, and I hated going against him in court. As I was reading over some evidence my client was brought in and sat beside me.

"Let me ask you one more time, are you sure you don't want to deal?" I asked and he looked at me shocked.

"Blair, do you not believe me?" He asked and I sighed.

"Of course, I do but Barber might make this a little harder." I said and he shook his head.

"You are the best chance I have." He said and I nodded and patted his hand on the table. I started going over paperwork with him and the judge walked in.

"Barber, Walsh you meet in my courtroom again. Can you two behave this time?" Judge Watkins asked after she walked in and sat down.

"I will if he will your honor." I said and Andy chuckled.

"So rich coming from you." Andy said and I snapped my head to look at him.

"Excuse me?" I asked pissed. Before Andy could answer Judge Watkins banged her gavel.

"Enough! I will throw you both in jail for contempt. Can we please just get on with the case?" Judge Watkins said and we both nodded.

⚖ ⚖ ⚖ ⚖ ⚖

"You just had to keep running your mouth!" I said to Andy as I sat in the jail cell and he paced.

"Me?! Who was the one yelling over me?" Andy asked and I groaned and placed my head in my hands.

"You realize we wouldn't be here if you would have just given me the evidence you had beforehand? I had no time to review it Barber!" I said getting angry and standing up also starting to pace and Andy stopped.

"Can you not?" Andy asked.

"What?" I asked annoyed.

"Pacing in the heels. The clicking is annoyed." Andy said. I looked at him annoyed and took the heels off

and set them on the bench.

"Better?" I asked as I started pacing again.

In fact, it wasn't better, Andy loved hearing her heels on the floor. Something about her shoes or the way she walked in them did something to him and his insides jumped among other things in his pants, every time he heard her coming.

"Lynn going to bail you out?" I asked Andy knowing she was DA and Andy's boss.

"Don't know. It might be her or my wife." Andy asked and I nodded.

"Who will come for you? Anyone from the firm?" Andy asked and I laughed.

"You think my dad or brother will come and get me? Please..." I said and Andy sighed.

"Listen, sorry I got us in this mess." I said and Andy shook his head.

"No, I should have handed everything over that I had and not be sneaky about it." Andy said and I gave a small smile.

"Thanks." I said and we heard someone come walking in and we looked. I was shocked to see my brother, Kyle standing there. He laughed and took a picture of me in the cell.

"Kyle...are you here to laugh or get me out?" I asked.

"Oh I'm not getting you out..." Kyle said and I groaned.

"I am." Johnathon, my dad said stepping in and saw Andy standing there.

"You too Mr. Barber." Johnathon said and Andy looked shocked.

"Excuse me Mr. Walsh?" Andy asked.

"Lynn asked me to get you out as well." Johnathon said and I groaned as I grabbed my shoes and put them back on.

"That's gross." Kyle said and I reached through the bars and punched his arm.

"You wear 5 inch heals all day and tell me how your feet hurt." I said and he groaned from the punch.

"Stop it Blair." Johnathon said and I groaned as someone came in and unlocked the gate and we walked out.

"Also, Watkins took you both off the case. Neal is taking over for you Barber and Kyle is taking over for you." Johnathon said and I groaned.

"Fine." I said annoyed. We walked out of the police station where we were being held and I saw my assistant off to the side.

"Excuse me." I said and walked away.

"Hey." I said and she smiled.

"Locked in a cage with Andy Barber...you have any fun?" Alexa asked and she laughed.

"You watch too many pornos." I said and she shrugged.

"Hey so I have all that info you wanted for the case." Alexa said and I sighed taking it from her.

"Kyle is on the case now but I will give it him." I said and she smiled.

"Okay, well what do you need from me now?" She asked and I shook my head.

"Nothing else. You can head home." I said and she nodded.

"Have a good night." I said as Lexi walked away. I walked over to Kyle and handed him the info.

"Here, Alexa dug all this up on the case." I said and Kyle nodded.

"Planning on hiding any of that from us?" Andy asked.

"Nope that's your game Barber." I said and he huffed a laugh and looked at his watch.

"Well I have to get home, this was fun Walsh." Andy said and stuck out his hand.

"So much fun lets never do it again Barber." I said and shook his hand. Before I could let go he leaned into my ear.

"If I had to be in a jail cell with anyone I'm happy it was you, you made it fun." Andy said and leaned back, releasing my hand and walked away. Johnathon came walking up to me.

"You would be lucky to settle down with a man like Andy Barber." Jonathan said. I huffed a laugh.

"He is married dad." I said annoyed.

"Not happily from what I understand." Johnathon said and I shook my head.

"For one dad I despise Andrew Barber and two I'm not looking for a man and three I won't be a homewrecker." I said and stood up on my tip toes and kissed my dad's cheek. "I'm going home." I said and left. 

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