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I walked into the hotel lobby and Andy told me what room he was in so I just got on the elevator and headed to his room. Once I arrived at the door I really thought about rushing out and going home but I knew I needed this. I need sleep, I needed safety...I needed Andy. I knocked and he quickly opened the door and I smiled at him.

"Were you waiting for me by the door?" I asked.

"Were you ever going to knock or just stand at the door?" Andy asked as we walked in his room and he took my bag.

"Were you looking through the peephole?" I asked. Andy just smiled.

"Are you interrogating me?" Andy asked.

"Are you always in lawyer mode answering my question with a question?" I asked.

"Am I on trial Ms. Walsh?" Andy asked and we just started laughed. I forgot how easy this could be with him. He set my bag on the floor by his suitcase and looked at me.

"Pizza should be here soon. We can talk legal strategy while we eat. Then I know you may hate this but I'm giving you a bedtime." Andy said and I laughed hysterically.

"I'm a grown woman Mr. Barber, I don't get a bedtime anymore." I said and he shook his head. He walked closer to me and put a hand on my cheek.

"Blair, you haven't been sleeping at all. I don't know how you are functioning. I just want you to get sleep. Luckily no court tomorrow so you can sleep as much and as long as you want." Andy said and I smiled. I noticed the one bed and smiled moving closer to where I was flush against Andy.

"You and I sharing a bed Mr. Barber?" I asked and he smiled wrapping his arms around my waist as my hand rested on his upper arms.

"Is that a problem Ms. Walsh?" Andy asked and I shook my head.

"No way." I said. "You will make me feel safe." I said, I smirked and he raised his eyebrows.

"Is safe the only way I make you feel?" Andy asked as he leaned down and his lips brushed mine.

"I don't know Andy, it's been awhile...I don't know if I remember any other feeling..." I said and he groaned. His lips connected to mine and I moaned as he kissed me and his tongue asked for entrance. As I let him have it there was a knock on the door. Andy growled and I smiled as we broke apart.

"That probably the pizza." Andy said and I nodded.

"I'm going to go freshen up. Be out in a second." I said and Andy nodded as I walked to the bathroom. Once I was done I came out and he had the pizza and some of his files on the table. I smiled noticing he grabbed my laptop from my bag with my files.

"Aww you set my stuff up." I said a in gushy cute voice and he shook his head.

"I do what I can." Andy said and I smiled. I walked past the open chair and sat in Andy's lap and he wrapped an arm around my waist.

"Excuse me Ms. Walsh there was another chair..." Andy said and I looked back at him and grind on his lap and he groaned.

"You want me to move?" I asked and he gripped me tighter.

"No way." I leaned back and passionately kissed Andy. He moved his lips to my neck and I moaned as I kept moving in Andy's lap. "Blair, if you don't stop dinner and files will have to wait."

"Then they can wait...I can't." I said and turned in his lap and crashed my lips to his and started to unbutton his shirt. He lips moved to my neck and I moved my head to the side giving him more access. He started nipping and moved to my ear.

"Let's move to the bed." Andy whispered and I nodded as I got off his lap and we started quickly undressing, we waited to long for this. Once we were completely undressed, I sat on the bed and pulled Andy to me and I smiled as I licked the little bit of pre-cum from the tip of his member and he groaned. I then wrapped my lips around him and moved down on him taking his whole length in to hit the back of my throat and Andy groaned.

"God, I missed you." Andy said and I giggled while I was on him. I removed him from my mouth and looked up at him.

"This was all you missed about me?" I asked and Andy smiled at me and he shook his head.

"Move back on the bed." Andy said and I started to move back and he stopped me by grabbing my ankles and kept my feet dangling off the bed. He crouched in front of me put my legs over his shoulders.

"I have missed plenty things about you Blair...let me show you how much." Andy said and I moaned as I felt him stick 2 fingers in and swirl them around. I arched my back and moaned out gripping the sheets.

"Andy." I said and he smiled up at me and then disappeared between my legs, I instantly felt his tongue swirl my clit. "Fuck...." I groaned out. And hummed against me and I shot up to my elbows and looked down at Andy.

"Down Blair." Andy said removing himself from me and I moaned falling back as he attached himself to me again and started sucking. I felt myself reaching my exploding point and I placed my head on Andy's head and held him in place. I started shaking as I released and Andy rode me completely out.

"I missed this entire body..." Andy said as he kissed up my body. Once Andy was fully hovering over me, I smiled at him.

"I missed you too Andy." I said and he leaned down and passionately kissed me as I felt his tongue enter my mouth, I also felt him thrust in me slowly. Once we broke our kiss apart Andy just looked at me.

"I'm taking my time with you Blair...I have waited so long for this." Andy said and I smiled at him and nodded.

"I'm all yours Andy." I said and he smiled as he slowly moved in and out of me. I wrapped my legs around his waist and I felt him go deeper. I moaned as he did and I felt him feel it too. "Andy please faster, I begged and he just followed the command and started going faster and I groaned arching my back and he took the opportunity to place a hand on my back and pull me to him and passionately kiss me. I wrapped my arms around his neck and just led on as he thrusted in me.

"I'm so close..." Andy said and I nodded in agreement.

"Me too." I said and Andy kept thrusting as I felt him release inside of me and I cried out at the feeling of him swell and twitch and I released all around him. He laid me back down once he felt me stop shaking from my release and rolled beside me. He reached and grabbed him t-shirt, my panties and his boxers. He gave me his shirt and my panties and we both put on some clothes. I rolled over to face him and he smiled at me placing a hand on my cheek.

"I really have missed being with you. Not just the sex but with you not in a court room." Andy said and I nodded.

"Same here." I said and Andy smiled. My eyes sudden got very heavy and Andy smiled.

"Go to sleep Blair. I got you." Andy said and wrapped his arms around me and I snuggled into his chest.

"Thank you for being there Andy." I said and he kissed the top of my head.

"Always Blair." Andy said and looked down to see me fast asleep already. "Always." He whispered and just held me.

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