Lunch Together

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I was sitting in the office of Andy's boss. Lynn, the DA of Newton and she sighed.

"Are you sure you want to take this Andy? I know who she is representing can't be easy for you." Lynn said and I sighed.

"I have tried talking him out of this." I spoke and Lynn just sighed sitting down after pacing as Andy explained what he was going to be doing.

"Lynn as I explained to Blair, he is going to be hard enough for just her to fight this case especially if William becomes combative and uncooperative. I just wanted to let you know that I won't be able to take any cases through the DA's office while I'm working on this case." Andy explained and then he looked at me and gave a small smile.

"And the family is okay with this?" Lynn asked and I sighed.

"We are going to talk to my family about it when we leave here." I said.

"Well as long as the Walsh's are okay with this, I have you covered here Andy." Lynn said. Andy stood up and I followed suit and he shook her hand as did I.

"Thank you, Lynn." Andy said.

"Just keep me updated." She said and we nodded then walked out. As we waited for the elevator, I looked at Andy.

"God, I feel so guilty." I said and Andy just looked at me.

"About what?" Andy asked.

"You wouldn't have gone to see him if I hadn't mentioned it. This is all on me Andy." I said and he shook his head.

"He was going to try and find a way to get me to come Blair, this is on me." Andy said and I just sighed as we got on the elevator. I could feel the tension between Andy and I and it wasn't work related at all. "I know what you are thinking and we have to make this work." Andy spoke up.

"I know Andy..." I trailed off and he sighed. "Can we really forget about everything we did and work together on this case?" I asked and Andy sighed.

"We have to. I wont let you go down because of this case." Andy said as we got of the elevator and headed to our cars.

"Lunch and then your law office?" Andy asked and I sighed and nodded.

"Lunch together?" I asked.

"Yeah, what about that pub a few blocks away." Andy suggested and I nodded.

"Yeah sounds good. Meet you there." I said and we got in our cars and we headed to the pub. We sat in a booth and quickly ordered some burgers. "Okay, can I be honest about something?" I asked and Andy sighed.

"Yeah sure." Andy said. I sighed.

"How old were you when William went away?" I asked and Andy sighed.

You already know, I was 6." Andy said and I nodded.

"Okay so let me ask you, what happened after?" I asked.

"After what? He murdered the girl?" Andy asked. I sighed.

"Yeah..." I said and Andy sighed.

"Well nothing, went about my life with my mom. She raised me as best she could and life went on." Andy said and I gave a small smile.

"I also read about your mom...I'm sorry." I said and he sighed.

"Thank you, cancer is a bitch." Andy said and I nodded.

"Aint that the truth." I said and Andy looked at me like he could see something.

"Who did it affect in your life?" Andy asked reading my expression.

"My mom." I said and Andy looked shocked.

"When?" Andy asked.

"When I was in my last year of college. She found a lump in her breast and went to the doctor. I took a sabbatical from school knowing she needed me. It was find earlier enough, she had about a year of chemo then remission. It was a long, hard year." I said and Andy smiled.

"But you still have her at least." Andy said and I nodded.

"Oh trust me, I know how lucky I am. I never take her for granted, that's why leaving dinner the other night was hard. I just could take being badgered anymore." I said and Andy sighed.

"Okay now my turn to ask a question." Andy said and I smiled.

"Go ahead." I said.

"Why do you stay?" Andy asked and I looked at him confused.


"Why do you stay there? I have seen you in court, going against you and sometimes just walking in to hear you. You are one of the most amazing lawyers I have ever seen in action yet you are treating like a second-class citizen to your father and brother. Don't you want more?" Andy asked and I sighed.

"I do, I really do and I think that's why I took his case not knowing much and then once I found out going harder on it. I need to prove to my father and brother that I'm a good lawyer and I can take any case." I said and Andy nodded.

"Why stay? Why not branch out on your own?" Andy asked and I sighed.

"I'm scared to honestly. Right now I have 2 other people I could always fall back on. I go out on my's me myself and I." I said and Andy nodded.

"Well, not that I would always believe rumors but it is rumored Neal Loguidice is going to the private sector meaning an ADA position will be opening up..." Andy said and waggled his eyebrows at me and I we laughed.

"You see me as an ADA?" I asked and he nodded.

"Hell yeah!" Andy said as our food was delivered.

"Lynn loves you and loves seeing you in court as well. I will keep you updated and if Neal goes to leave I want you in Lynns office talking to her the next morning." Andy said.

"Yeah, if my name isn't tarnished after this case." I said and Andy reached across the table and placed his hand over mine.

"I'm not letting your name get tarnished Blair, I got you." Andy said and I smiled. We went about eating our lunch. Andy offered to pay as I went out and waited by my car. As I was leaning on my car I heard some lady laughing down the street and I looked up to see Andy's wife Laurie only she wasn't alone. She had her arm linked in another guys arm and he leaned down and kissed her cheek. I wasn't sure what to do and then I saw Andy come walking out of the pub and I didn't know what to do so I just got his attention to keep him from looking around.

"So let's go get the worst of telling people over and go see my dad." I said and Andy huffed a laugh. He grabbed my hands and faced me.

"Hey, we got this and I will have your back because I know you have mine." Andy said and I nodded. I looked and saw Laurie was gone and I sighed and looked at Andy.

"Always Andy." I said and he opened my car door for me.

"Let's go into the lions den." Andy said, I laughed and got in my car. I watched Andy get in his car already feeling like an ass for not mentioning Laurie. I could have been jumping to conclusion but I want one to look jealous just for Andy to think I wanted him away from Laurie and would make up stories.

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