Truth & Heartbreak

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Two weeks later I was sitting in the courthouse waiting for Andy to come in. I was sitting with Billy and he was getting antsy.

"Where is he?" Billy asked and I shrugged. I pulled out my phone.

BLAIR: Hey, where are you? Everything okay?

ANDY: Parking now. Be there soon.

"He is parking the car, he will be in here soon." I said and Billy nodded. As I was sitting going over the evidence I needed to argue and submit today I heard the doors open and Andy came walking in. He didn't look put together at all and I looked at him concerned.

"Andy?" I asked and he shook his head. "Andy!" I said annoyed and he looked at me.

"I'm fine." Andy said. I sighed as Billy looked at him.

"Andy, if you need to take the day off, you can." I said and he shook his head.

"I need to be here okay." Andy said and I nodded.

⚖ ⚖ ⚖ ⚖ ⚖

We went through the court case that day and we finally had a leg up and things were starting to looking up today. Andy went hard during the trial today and I wasn't sure what was going on. I was packing up as was Andy when he stopped.

"Hey, you have plans tonight?" Andy asked and I sighed.

"No. Just going home and having some wine and pasta..." I said and Andy huffed a laugh.

"Would you rather maybe go to dinner with me?" Andy asked and I sighed.

"Andy..." I said and he sighed.

"Just dinner, we need to talk." Andy said and I half nodded.

"Okay, dinner. Where should I meet you?" I asked and he smiled.

"Well you were going to have wine and pasta tonight so why don't we go to that Italian place on Fulmer." Andy said and I nodded.

"Sounds good." I said and Andy gave a weak smile. I got concerned and instinctively I placed a hand on his cheek. He interlaced his fingers in mine and then move my hand to his mouth and kissed my palm.

"Let's go eat." Andy said and I nodded.

⚖ ⚖ ⚖ ⚖ ⚖

Once we got into the restaurant and sat down. Quickly we ordered drinks, I got some wine while Andy ordered a beer and then we just ordered some food. Andy sat looking at the table for a minute and sighed.

"Andy, you have to make the first steps here because I don't know what this is even about. Is it about the case? Co-counseling? Our affair? What?" I asked and Andy huffed a laugh.

"If only it were that simple. I never thought I would say helping defend my father and having an affair would be some of the easiest things I ever had to deal with." Andy said and I looked at him.

"Andy...?" I questioned and he sighed.

"I don't know what to do Blair." Andy said and I reached across the table and took his hands.

"What happened?" I asked and Andy sighed.

"Remember how yesterday was an early day in court?" Andy asked

"Yeah. You were going to go home and surprise Laurie by taking her and Jacob out." I said. Andy nodded but groaned.

"Oh I surprised her all right. I surprised her and her boyfriend." Andy said and I sighed closing my eyes and shaking my head.

"Were they...?" I asked. Andy scoffed.

"No but he was buttoning his shirt as he walked down the stairs meeting me at the front door. Laurie was walking behind him in her robe." Andy said.

"Oh Andy..." I said and he shook his head.

"There's more." Andy said.

"What else could there be?" I asked and he sighed.

"She admitted to me that the baby isn't mine, its his. They have been having an affair for a year. She said when we decided to try and have another baby it was because she was going hot and heavy with him and if something happened...." Andy said and I sighed.

"What was her reasoning?" I asked and he shrugged.

"She never had one. She just said they met at a function and hit it off. She said that they tried to fight it but that didn't do any good. She said when she met you she felt threatened and her finding out she was pregnant was a blessing because it got me away from you. She talked to the guy about passing the baby off as mine and at first he was okay with it but then he started to get a conscious about it and want to be apart of the kids life." Andy explained. I shook my head in disbelief.

"Andy, I'm so sorry, this couldn't have been easy to find out." I said and he finally took my hand from overtop of his and interlaced our fingers, it was then I noticed his wedding band was off his finger. We were silent for a couple of minutes and then I heard Andy take a breath.

"I was excited you know." Andy said and I looked at him.

"What do you mean?" I asked confused.

"The baby, I have wanted another kid for a long time. When she told me she was pregnant I was so excited. I mean another baby, I love Jacob so much and we waited so long I didn't think she would want another kid. When she told me she was pregnant and I thought it was mine, I knew it was a blessing. You and I had just stopped all communication I needed something, that seemed to be it. Now...everything was ripped away." Andy said and I felt my heart just break for a couple of reasons. One Andy's world was falling apart and we may have cut off what we had but I still cared for him. Two because all Andy wanted was another kid to make his life happy, he knew it would put him over the moon yet I was sitting there looking at a test two weeks ago thanking every god I could that I wasn't pregnant and wasn't bringing a baby into this world where I had no clue what the future was for Andy and I. I wanted to tell him so many times about it but there was not point in even telling him it was a scare and negative test. I took a big sip of my wine as our food was delivered.

"Andy, I wish I knew what to say to you in this instance but I don't except I'm sorry this has all happened to you." I said and Andy smiled.

"I know Blair and thank you. Jacob said he wanted to stay with Laurie and I didn't know what else to do or who I could talk to." Andy said and I gently squeezed his hand.

"I'm always here for you Andy." I said and he smiled and pulled my hand to his lips and kissed my knuckles. We went about eating in silence and I just watched the man across of me who seemed broken and hurt. I could kill Laurie for doing this to him. We finished dinner and even though I protested Andy covered the bill and we headed out to our cars. Andy walked me to my car and I smiled at him.

"Thank you for dinner." I said and he nodded.

"My pleasure." Andy said and I smiled.

"You got a place to stay?" I asked and he nodded.

"Yeah, I'm good." Andy said and I nodded. I felt Andy place his hands on my hips and I knew this was wrong but he pulled me into him for a hug and I instantly felt him relax in our hug. Once we pulled back from each other our faces remained close. Andy moved in and passionately kissed me. I missed this man's lips on mine, I missed everything about him and god knows I wanted this but I couldn't. I pulled away from Andy and he just looked at me.

"Andy, I want don't know how bad I want you and want this to happen but I can't. You are not in the right mindset right now to want this. You just left your wife and you need to get through that first." I said and he leaned his forehead against mine closing his eyes and sighing.

"I know you're right, I hate that you are but you're right. Can you promise me you will try and wait for me? You will be there when my mind is on straight again?" Andy asked and I nodded.

"I will do my best Andy." I said and he smiled at me. He kissed my check and then opened my car door for me and I got in.

"See you tomorrow Andy." I said drove off. It took all my strength not to turn around and follow him to his hotel but I knew I needed to be the strong one here and go home. Once I arrived home there was a note taped to my door. I pulled it off and then quickly unlocking my door going inside. Once inside I looked at the note.

-You ruin lives. If you knew what's good for you, you would leave town.- 

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