Interrogation...I mean Dinner

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I pulled into the driveway at Andy's house and I sighed as we both got out of our cars and I followed Andy to the front door. I sighed before he opened the door.

"I don't need to be here. I can go home." I said and Andy grabbed my hand.

"Hey, don't do this's okay." Andy said and I sighed.

"Does she suspect us?" I asked and Andy shook his head but then gave a small shrug.

"I don't believe so and if she does we just call her crazy and deny it." Andy said and I nodded. Andy quickly brought my hand to his lips and kissed my knuckles. "We go this." Andy said, it sounded like he was trying to convince himself as well as me. He released my hand opened the door. I followed him into the kitchen area where Laurie was cooking. I saw a teenager setting the table. Andy smiled at the teen and then walked over to Laurie give her a kiss and it made me want to go crazy.

"Laurie, Jacob, This is Blair Walsh." Andy said and I smiled as I moved forward and shook Laurie hand.

"Nice to finally meet the woman taking up all of Andy's time." Laurie said with a slight tone of annoyance.

"I'm really sorry about that, it was never my intention." I said with a small smile. Jacob came walking over, I shook his hand.

"Nice to meet you Jacob." I said and he just grunted. Andy looked at him slightly annoyed.

" there someplace I could wash up before we eat?" I asked.

"Yeah sure, let me show you." Andy said as we headed upstairs to the bathroom. Once we got the bathroom I walked in and Andy followed me.

"Andy, you cant be in here." I said and he shrugged.

"We are just both washing up." He said and I sighed and I wrapped my arms around his midsection and he instantly relaxed in my arms as did I as he hugged me back.

"She hates me as does Jacob." I said and Andy groaned. He kissed the top of my head.

"I got you during dinner, I wont let either of them go any further okay?" Andy said and I nodded. Andy left the bathroom once he released me and I sighed as I washed my hands and made sure I still looked like I hadn't just thoroughly fucked Andy Barber in my office a little while ago. Once I was done I walked downstairs and I heard Andy talking to Laurie and Jacob.

"You asked her to come over for dinner, can you both just be a little nicer? She is stressed enough as it is." Andy said and I heard Jacob mumble something as Laurie scoffed. I was really thinking about just walking out on dinner saying something came up. I decided to bite the bullet and I walked back into the kitchen/dining area and smiled as I saw everyone.

"Can I help with anything?" I asked when Laurie noticed me walk in.

"Oh no, it's almost all done. Andy, why don't you get her glass of wine." Laurie suggested and Andy nodded as he poured me a glass and I smiled taking it from him.

"Thank you." I said. Laurie started putting food on the table, Andy looked at me and showed me to the table and I picked the seat across from Andy and next to Jacob. Once we all had food dished out conversation started to flow.

"So how is the case coming?" Jacob asked and I looked at him and then Andy unsure of what they knew.

"They know everything." Andy said to me and I gave a small nod.

"Well it's coming we got some evidence we can try to argue his innocence." I said.

"Which I still think is bullshit." Andy said and I groaned.

"Which part? The evidence or that he might be innocent and you would have to agree that he might be?" I asked and groaned.

"Listen, I'm on your side on this. You don't have to argue with me or win against me. I'm just giving my personal opinion. I mean I'm allowed to have it." Andy said and I just sighed rolling my eyes.

"Right but being my co-counsel on this and trying to prove his innocence it doesn't help to know you are against everything." I said. Andy just stopped putting his hands up in surrender.

"You're right, I'm sorry." Andy said and I sighed.

"Which makes me wonder, how did you con Andy into being your co-counsel?" Laurie asked and I looked at her oddly as Andy snapped his head in shock to look at her.

"Laurie..." Andy said and I shook my head.

"I didn't con him into anything Laurie. I asked him he denied and then changed his mind. This was all Andy." I said.

"How did you convince him?" Laurie asked and I looked at Andy.

I'm not sure what you are implying there Laurie..." I said even though I think it was pretty obvious what she was wanting to say or imply.

"Laurie, I decided to do this on my own. I know what kid of man my father is and I didn't want Blair to have to do this alone." Andy said.

"Well you said her own father and brother don't have faith in her being a lawyer, why do you?" Laurie asked Andy and I looked at him hurt and in shock.

"You said that?" I asked, Andy groaned.

"He did, I heard him. His exact words were your own brother and father weren't willing to help you with this case, you had no hope of winning this case and you were going to tank your career." Jacob spoke up and I just half nodded and I looked at Andy.

"Anything else you want to tell me?" I asked and Andy was just looking down at his plate and I could tell he was clenching his jaw.

"If my husband doesn't, I have another question." Laurie said and I looked at her.

"Yeah?" I asked.

"Are you sleeping with my husband?" Laurie finally outright asked even though it sounded more like accusing then questioning.

"What?! No!" I denied.

"Laurie..." Andy said annoyed.

"It's a valid question! I mean she is attractive and you are spending tons of time together." Laurie said and I sighed.

"Laurie, I can promise you Andy and I are not sleeping together. This work relationship is strictly professional. I mean we usually can't stand each other. I thought we were getting past that, but current conversation is changing that in my mind..." I trailed off and Andy still wouldn't make eye contact with me.

"So if you do get my grandfather off are you going to be happy when he will be bugging us so much that we have to move and ruin our lives?" Jacob asked and I just sat in shock at this dinner. I didn't want to be here another minute and I was just hoping for anything to happen. A phone call for me, a meteor to hit the house, god to strike me dead where I sat...anything.

"Hey Jacob...stop." Andy said annoyed at his son and then he looked at Laurie.

"You asked her to come to this dinner, why? So you and Jacob could gang up on her at a very stressful time in her life? This isn't fair coming from either of you." Andy said. I put my silverware down.

"I think I'm going to go...thank you for dinner." I said and pushed away from the table and headed to the door to grab my purse and keys I had dropped off. I made it to the door before Andy stopped me.

"Hey, come back to the table." Andy said and I shook my head.

"It's fine Mr. Barber. I will just see you in court in the next few days." I said and walked out of his house. It hurt leaving Andy like this but I was hurt for what I found out what he had been saying behind my back. I thought he had confidence in me. I stopped and picked up something to eat on the way home. Once I got home I looked down my street and saw that same Lincoln that had been sitting outside my parents house that one night. I saw some smoke come pillowing out of the open window. I quickly rushed inside and locked the doors in a panic.

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