He Is Here

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A week later I walked into the jail, without Andy and I didn't know how this was going to go. I signed in and the guard walked me down to the conference room we were always in. Once the door opened and I walked in I was surprised to see Andy sitting there waiting.

"Andy..." I said shocked and he groaned.

"You owe me for this. I don't know what yet but I will figure it out." Andy said and I nodded.

"Thank you." I said and he shook his head.

"Do you know me coming here caused a rift in my marriage? I never told my wife about this and now I had to tell her since it will be a public case. Do you now what that does in a marriage when you cant trust someone?" Andy said and I sighed and looked at the table. He was making me feel worse than I already was.

"Andy, if I had any other option..."

"You did! Not take a fucking case when the main file is so fucking redacted you needed a decoder pen to figure it out!" Andy yelled and I sighed. I didn't get a chance to say anything else as the guard opened the opposite door and Billy came walking in. The smile he got on his face when he saw Andy was nothing if not sinister.

"You got him here." Billy said and I sighed.

"I did so are you going to work with me today or not?" I asked. Billy ignored me and looked at Andy.

"Nice to see you." Billy said and Andy just looked at him. "You a mute or something? Not going to talk?" Billy asked with an evil chuckle.

"Billy come on. Don't start your shit. Let's talk about the case!" I said annoyed and he shot a glare at me.

"I'm talking to my son you bitch, shut the fuck up!" Billy growled at me.

"Hey! Don't talk to her like that. She took your case and is trying to help your fucking ass. I'm not sure why but she is, show her some respect!" Andy yelled back and I placed my hand on his arm.

"Hey...don't." I said and he groaned and Billy looked between us.

"Oh I see what's going on here...you're fucking her." Billy said trying to get us to admit it since I wouldn't before and Andy looked at him like he was going to kill him.

"Andy, stop. William, cut it out. You wanted Andy here and you're making this worse!" I said getting angry. William just laughed.

"You two have sex written all over you. How does Mrs. Barber feel about that?" William asked pointing to Andy's wedding ring.

"We aren't sleeping together, we don't even work together and in fact my wife and I are trying for a child if you must know the truth. Be the best father I can be since I didn't have one myself." Andy said and I turned my head and looked at Andy instantly hurt.

"Can we just get on with the damn case please?" I asked annoyed and everyone nodded and we started going through the statements and the DNA they found. Soon Andy and I were leaving the jail and I made sure to rush out past him.

"Blair, wait!" Andy called after me but I didn't listen to him or wait. I just rushed to my car, got in and drove off. I didn't want to hear his explanation on why he continued to sleep with me if him and his wife were trying to have a baby. I didn't even worry about anything else I just wanted to drink and forget the day so I headed to the local bar. Once inside the bartender knowing me well enough just started making me my favorite drink and I smiled at him. After about 4 drinks in I was looking at a guy down the bar and smiled at him. He started walking towards me .

-No Blair, you are doing this to get back at Barber...don't be this girl!- My brain as screaming at me as he sat down.

"Blair right?" He asked and I smiled with a nod realizing who he was. I had seen him around the courthouse ruining a lot of errands for people.

"Zach right?" I asked and he nodded.

"Yeah, I saw you walk in and start drinking, bad case?" He asked and I laughed.

"Yeah something like that." I said and he nodded. We sat talking and drinking for about another hour and finally I was ready to leave and Zach walked me out to my car.

"You okay to drive?" He asked and I nodded.

"Yeah, we ate in there and that helped soak up some of the alcohol." I said and he smiled and I grabbed him by his shirt and pulled him flush against me. "You want to come home with me?" I asked and he smiled and passionately kissed me.

"I would love to, I'll follow you." Zach said and passionately kissed me again and then rushed to his car and we left.

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*****ANDY POV*****

I was standing in the small kitchenette at the office waiting for coffee to brew when I overheard some guys talking. One happened to be Zach our office kids to run errands.

"So she just walked into the bar and quickly started downing whiskey sours like they were going out of style. I was hoping for more of a challenge from her but she seemed so ready to willing to screw anything with a penis it was easy to get her to invite me back to her place." Zach said and I rolled my eyes. Poor girl didn't know what kind of douche bag she landed.

"So how was she is bed though?" Another guy asked and Zach moaned, a good moan.

"Wild. Wild man. She did things to me I didn't even think would be possible. I saw stars guys." Zach answered and I was getting highly annoyed with this conversation and prayed for the coffee to hurry up.

"So who was this wild amazing woman?" One guys asked as I poured my coffee.

"Blair Walsh." Zach said and I damn near overflowed my coffee cup and groaned to myself. I grabbed my coffee and then looked towards the group of men.

"Zach, can I see you in my office for a second?" I asked and he nodded with a smile. Zach was a good kid but right now he was being a douche. We walked in the office and I shut the door.

"What's up Mr. Barber?" Zach asked.

"Okay so I know you may think what you were discussing out there was just guy talk and everything but you do realize you are talking about a fellow lawyer and if it go back to her or her boss or even clients it could damage her creditability." I explained and Zach sighed.

"Mr. Barber, I didn't mean anything but I mean you know Blair Walsh and the fact that I even had a chance whether she was drunk or not is amazing." Zach said.

"Zach, I wont be complimenting you on sleeping with Ms. Walsh. Just please think about what you say in the office and who might overhear it. You realize if I was going up against her in court I could somehow use this against her saying she's an incompetent lawyer." I explained and Zach sighed and nodded.

"I understand Mr. Barber." Zach said.

"We are done here." I said and he walked out of the office. I sighed and picked up my phone and went to text her but then stopped myself realizing the drinking was because of my baby bombshell. This would be a better life if I just knew Blair Walsh professionally from now on.

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