Here We Go...

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2 days later I showed up to the courthouse and took my seat. Andy was already there and looked at me.

"Jesus Blair, have you slept at all?!" Andy asked in a shocked whisper and I ignored him. "Fucking talk to me." Andy said and I groaned.

"Well a car outside my house and being plagued with nightmares doesn't really give someone much chance to sleep. So no Mr. Barber over the past 2 days I have gotten a total of 20 minutes of sleep. I'm running on caffeine and fumes." I said explained sitting down and pulling out all of my files. Andy just looked at me.

"Blair, let me ask for a continuation, go home, get some sleep." Andy said and I shook my head.

"Wouldn't matter, I can't sleep anyways. I refuse to take the pills. This life is just fucking with me and once it's over I'll take a leave of absence or vacation or something...." I said. Andy didn't say anything and just sighed. I wasn't making eye contact with Andy and he sighed.

"Can you please look at me? Talk to me." Andy said.

"Does it pertain to the case, whatever you are going to say?" I asked.

"You know it's not." Andy said.

"Then it doesn't need to be said." I said and started going over notes. I handed Andy a couple of notes I had taken at 3am when I couldn't sleep. He started looking them over and sighed.

"I need to talk to you when this is all over." Andy said.

"The case or just today?" I asked.

"Today, after court. We need to talk." Andy said and I just sighed and nodded. I then looked at Andy.

"Would I be safe at a hotel?" I asked and Andy sighed.

"You're safer at home." Andy said.

"Am I though?! I mean I live alone, I go home to no one, I stay alone." I said.

"So go stay with your parents! Your brother! Someone." Andy said and I sighed.

"I can't Andy, they have practically disowned me until this is over." I said. Andy was about to say something, but we looked as the side door opened and Billy was being brought in. I just looked at Billy as he sat down. He looked between Andy and me.

"You two okay?" Billy asked and I nodded.

"You look like you were hit by a bus." Billy said and I groaned.

"Thanks, it was a semi actually." I said and Billy chuckled.

"Sense of humor, I knew I liked that about you." Billy said and I looked at him.

"Today we have opened arguments and then we will go from there. I don't know what else will happen." I said and Andy nodded in agreement and Billy looked between Andy and I.

"Okay well she looks like shit, you need to do opening arguments." Billy said and I looked at Billy.

"Excuse me." I said annoyed.

"You look like shit, that won't get us anywhere with the jury. Andy looks better so it needs to be him." Billy said.

"He is just co-counsel, here to help. Not take over the case." I said.

"I can do it if you aren't up to it. I will follow your notes." Andy said and I groaned.

"Whatever, take it Andy..." I said. I shoved my notes at him and he sighed. I quickly didn't feel well and ran out of the court room to the bathroom. I emptied the contents of my stomach into the toilet and groaned. As I walked out of the stale to rinse my mouth out I saw my mom standing there.

"What are you doing here?" I asked confused.

"Your father and brother came and are sitting in the courtroom and I came to see you in action as well. I saw you and Andy arguing then you ran in here." Leann said and I groaned as she handed me a travel size bottle of mouthwash. I used it as she continued to talk. "Your father is worried about you and Andy working together knowing how tense you two can be together. I can see it but I know it's not annoyed tension or work tension." Leann said and I looked at her oddly as I spit out the mouthwash.

"Great then what do you think it is?" I asked and Leann looked at me..

"Don't treat me like an idiot Blair, I raised you. I can tell the tension is sexual, you are sleeping or did sleep with Andy didn't you?" Leann asked.

"Mom..." I grumbled and made sure there was no one else in the bathroom.

"So you have?!" She asked.

"It's hard to explain...we were...we are...I don't really know what's going on right now. It was supposed to be a one-time thing...." I trailed off.

"He is married Blair, with a kid!" Leann said and I sighed.

"I know mom, trust me. I think it's over now and so we are moving on." I said and Leann sighed. I got a text as I stood there.

ANDY: Judge is waiting on you according to the bailiff. You okay?

"I have to go back. Can you just keep your revelation to yourself?" I asked and she nodded. She pulled me into a hug.

"You got this. Get in the courtroom and be the badass I know you are." Leann said and I nodded. I walked back to the courtroom with my head held high and walked past my brother and father which I now we hyper aware of their presence. I sat down and looked at Andy.

"My dad and brother here to watch me. I need to do open argument." I said, Andy groaned at the fact my family was there and handed me my opening argument notes and Billy looked at me and smiled.

"Well now I know with them here, you are going to actually do your best." Billy said and I sighed.

"All rise!" The bailiff said loudly and the judge came walking in. Once we all got to sit down and I sighed, swallowed the lump in my throat and took a deep we go.

⚖ ⚖ ⚖ ⚖ ⚖

After opening arguments, dealing and fighting with the first few pieces of evidence court was called for the day. I saw my parents and brother leave quickly and I groaned because I knew I had fucked up something and they didn't even want to talk about it. The cops took Billy and I started to put everything away.

"We need to talk..." Andy said and I sighed. I looked at the now empty court room.

"What Andy?" I asked.

"I want to tell you these last few weeks of what we had was fun..." Andy trailed off and I knew what he was doing.

"Andy I know we can't sleep together anymore. I want you to pick your family." I said

"It's not that, I mean it is but it's not." Andy said.

"Then what is it Andy?" I asked confused.

"Laurie's pregnant." Andy blurted out.

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