Sense of Normalcy Again...?

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After the note being left on my door and the damn blue Lincoln I got no sleep, I was terrified. I stayed on my couch all night with my bat. I made it to court the next day early and I was already sitting at our table when Andy walked in early as well.

"Blair..." He said and I jolted awake. I had fallen asleep reading a file. Andy sat next me and placed a hand on my back.

"Blair...what's wrong?" Andy asked. I broke down in tears and Andy sighed. He noticed no one was in the court room so he pulled me to him

"It's this case Andy! It's fucking with me too damn much! I haven't gotten a decent night's sleep in months, I sat up on my couch last night with my bat! The damn blue Lincoln in still following me, and then..." I trailed off.

"And then what?" Andy asked.

"Nothing just so much is happening." I said and Andy sighed with a nod. "And you know as well as I do, it's not looking good for Billy, with no reliable witnesses, we are fucked. If I don't win this case, I'm terrified. Father O' Leary is watching me for your father at least I think it's for him but I also think if I can't win this case he will have me killed." I ranted and Andy growled.

"Who is Father O'Leary?"

"The guy from the blue Lincoln."

"Blair, how do you know his name?" Andy asked and I sighed. "Blair?!" Andy asked and I groaned.

"I talked to him. One night he was outside the house and I approached him." I said. Andy slammed his hand on the table and stood up.

"Damnit Blair! You should have called Duffy?!" Andy yelled. His voice echoed in the empty courtroom.

"And say what Andy?! Hey Duffy, I have some weirdo sitting outside my house in a blue Lincoln that Andy already threatened once. Can you come check it out?!" I said.

"Yes! That's exactly what you do! You needed to not talk to him and have someone check it out." Andy said and I groaned.

"I got his name and I already have someone digging into get info for me on his name. Although I'm sure his name is an alias or made up. I got all his info in my briefcase." I said and Andy sighed.

"Can I at least give it to Duffy to check out too?" Andy asked and I sighed.

"Fine." I said and he came around as I opened my briefcase.

"And tonight, you will go home and get some clothes for tonight and tomorrow and you are coming to stay with me in my hotel room." Andy said and I shook my head.

"Andy..." I said and he shook his head

"Don't protest Blair, I don't expect anything. We can order in pizza, we can go over files and you can finally get some fucking sleep. You are like death walking and I just want you to get some sleep." Andy said and I sighed knowing it was going to be the only way. "Please Blair." Andy said and I sighed.

" night." I said and he nodded.

"Or more..." Andy said and smirked at me.

"Easy Barber." I said and he smirked. I reached in my briefcase to get the guys info and Andy saw something else.

"What he fuck is this?!" Andy asked as some other people came in the courtroom. He pulled the note out that had been on my front door.

"I got home last night and saw that. I don't know, I didn't think anything of it." I said and Andy groaned looking at the letter.

"Yeah I wouldn't take it lightly. It's a threat but I know the writing. I will deal with this I promise you I will." Andy said and I looked at him confused.

"Who is it Andy?" I asked and he shook his head.

"Don't worry about it but I will deal with it." Andy said and I just slightly shook my head and then gave Andy the Father O'Leary info. Soon the courtroom started to fill up and I looked at Andy handing him the argument I was making today and knowing that we were calling the girls best friend who was with her that day to the stand.

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*****ANDY POV*****

Once we left the courthouse, I knew Blair would need to go home, get some clothes and things ready for the next few days. I went to my old house that I had moved out of leaving it to Laurie and Jacob. I walked to the door and knocked, I didn't feel right going in. Laurie opened the door and just looked at me, I looked past her and saw some boxes.

"Moving the boyfriend in already?" I asked and Laurie moved to the side to let me in.

"That and it's some of your stuff I'm packing up. I need to know where it needs to go." Laurie said and I sighed.

"I'll figure it out. Where's Jacob?" I asked and Laurie sighed.

"In his room, why?" Laurie asked. I didn't give her an answer I just walked past her and up the stairs. "Andy?!" Laurie called after me as I walked to his room and opened the door.

"Dad?!" Jacob said shocked to see him. I pulled the note out of my pocket.

"What the hell is this, Jacob?!" I yelled and tossed the note at him.

"Of course she would go running to you." Jacob said and I took the note back from him.

"She didn't give it to me Jacob! I saw it in her briefcase! She was going to let it go and not do anything. You can't do this Jacob!" I yelled. Laurie walked in the room.

"What the hell is going on?!" Laurie asked and I passed her the note and she read it. She noticed right away who's writing it was.

"Jacob..." Laurie said shocked.

"She is ruining everyone's life! She got you to take this damn case with her and everything that happened! She just needs to get out of our lives!" Jacob yelled back. I just stood there and then looked at Laurie.

"He left this note on Blair's front door. Blair has enough going on Jacob, she doesn't need this." I said.

"I'm not going to say I'm sorry." Jacob said.

"Jacob..." Laurie said shocked.

"Not saying it. I don't mean it, I won't say it." Jacob said. I just groaned and went to walk out.

"Jacob, I understand you may not like life right not but blaming Blair for any of this is bullshit and you know it. She is not the cause of these problems..." I said and looked at Laurie. She just hung her head as I walked out. I headed straight to the hotel and text Blair once I got to my room.

ANDY: Hey back from running errands. Come over whenever you are ready.

BLAIR: I'm down the street picking up some things. Be there soon.

I smiled getting this text from her. Things could maybe start having a sense of normalcy again. At least as normal as they could possibly be.

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