Take Care of Your Business Mr. Barber

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The next day I was sitting at home going over everything, ignoring Andy's phone calls and texts. He crossed a line and I was over it. When he came by my house I even ignored him, I was over it. I needed to get out of the house and knew I needed some groceries so I went to the store. As I walked through the store I felt like I was being watched. I didn't know what was going on and figured it was the case and the awkward dinner last night that was making me feel tense and on edge. I finished shopping and as I walked to my car I noticed that Lincoln from the night at my parents and I had seen it around town wherever I was since. I drove home and noticed it followed me the whole way except for a block away. I was loading in groceries I noticed it parked down the street. I didn't know what to do, I hurried inside and locked the door. I stood pacing unsure of what to do...I grabbed my phone and dialed the first person I could think of.

"Blair?" Andy asked in shock I called.

"Andy...I'm scared...I think I'm being followed." I said.

"I'm on my way over. Lock the doors." Andy said and hung up. I heard someone knocking on my door soon after. "Blair, it's me..." Andy said and I rushed and let him in. Once he was inside I pulled him into a hug and he wrapped his arms around me.

"Was there a dark color Lincoln on the street when you got here?" I asked and Andy sighed.

"I didn't look, I had to get in here to make sure you were okay." Andy said and I sighed.

"Andy, I don't know if this is someone who is on our side, off our side, hired by someone...Andy...what do I do?" I asked and he groaned. He went to walk outside and I grabbed his hand. "Andy please don't..." I said and he shook his head.

"I'm checking outside Blair. Do have a baseball bat or something?" Andy asked and I nodded.

"Closet by the door. Andy don't do anything stupid..." I said and Andy sighed and grabbed the bat.

"I'm protecting you Blair, isn't this why you called me?" Andy asked.

"I was scared Andy. I went to the store and felt like I was being watched and then the car followed me home. He followed me from my parents house the other night and then yours. He is following me Andy, just me!" I said and he groaned. Andy opened the front door and looked out seeing the car parked down the street. He headed outside.

"Andy!" I called after him.

"Blair get back in the house!" Andy yelled and I refused and stayed on the porch to make sure Andy didn't get hurt. He walked up to the car.

*****ANDY POV*****

I saw Blair still standing on the porch and even though I wanted her inside, knowing she was watching to make sure I was okay put me a little bit at ease. I gripped the bat tighter as I walked more and more as I walked. I approached the driver's side window and noticed it was already down.

"What the hell do you want with her?!" I asked pissed off as I approached.

"Excuse me?" The man asked. He had a gruff voice and his car smelled like nothing but cigarettes, I knew that smell, engrained in my brain from my father from my childhood.

"You have been following Blair for awhile now." I said.

"I don't know what you're talking about pal." The man said. He noticed the bat I was carrying. "You don't want to be a tough guy tonight believe me." he added and I just looked at him.

"I don't want to see you around Blair again. Any where she is, you don't need to be." I said.

"If she is in public, it's fair game." The man said and I growled pointing the head of the bat at him.

"Not for you, she shows up, you leave." I said. The guy looked down towards Blair.

"You should get back to your actually family, it's good to have a family. You clearly need to make a choice on what you want. Take care of your business Mr. Barber." The man said and drove off. I watched him drive past the house and I looked back at Blair. I walked back to her, we walked back in the house.

*****NORMAL POV*****

I watch Andy talk to this guy and at one time threaten him with the bat but that was it. Once we were I the house Andy pulled me into a hug after put the bat away.

"He should leave you alone now, but I have to go." Andy said and I looked at him as we broke apart.

"What?" I asked confused.

"He seem to make some threats against my family, I have to go home and protect them. He shows back up Blair call the police, call Duffy, she would show up." Andy said mentioning a detective we both knew very well.

"Screw that Andy I will just protect myself. Go protect Laurie and Jacob." I said taking a step away from Andy and wrapping my arms around myself.

"Blair..." Andy said taking a step towards me and I stepped back..

"God bye Andy. Sorry I disturbed you. I will see you in court in 2 days." I said and he sighed, looked at the floor and left. I heard him close his car door outside and leave. I just wanted this case to be over.

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