Chapter Two: When I Knew Her

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My ego still didn't let me go to Isabelle's twin. Plus, I was super nervous. I didn't know how or what to talk to a pretty blind girl about.

And so three days passed by until Friday.

Three days of turning around in class and trying to observe, trying to differentiate who was who.

Three days of trying to identify by checking who had the bigger tits.

The bell had rung for the end of class that day, so I quickly joined a group of boys discussing basketball stats just to avoid Alice, and I heaved a sigh of relief when she passed us while clinging on to Mark.

That was new. Mark and Alice.

I wanted to go to my locker when I realized I had been in such a hurry that I left my note in class on my desk, and I had to go back to get it.

And when I went back to class, I saw Isabelle's twin seated. And she was alone.

I noticed she was her fingers over a book that seemed blank to me until I remembered it could be Braille— couldn't quite recall where I had seen the word.

And Good Lord, she was fine as hell.

I was already imagining myself going to grab her tits and then dashing out of the class.

"That's super cringe!" A voice screamed in my head.

I walked to my desk as silently as I could, almost on tiptoe, trying my best to not distract her, and I was already at my desk. The book was resting on it.

"Who is there?"

My skin crawled with horror, so much I nearly screamed, until I raised my head and saw it was only Isabelle's twin that had noticed my presence in the class.

And she was reaching for her walking stick, but she wasn't lucky and only succeeded in pushing it away.

I laughed a bit, more out of relief and for a moment I forgot the book I had come for. My attention was drawn towards watching her.

She was still trying to pick up her walking stick, and I laughed again. She seemed so innocent doing it, like a little lost child.

I took my book and then went and picked up the walking stick and put it gently in her hand. It was so soft to the touch. She took it gratefully and a slight smile came on her face.

Isabelle's twin was smiling. Because of me.

"Sorry I scared you." I apologized.

"It's fine. I'm okay. Thanks for helping me by the way."

I smirked at her and sadly remembered she wouldn't see it.

"Why are you alone?" I asked her.

"I've got to wait for Isabelle. She went to get something I can't remember and I'm stuck here waiting for her."

Isabelle's twin was talking to me.

"I had to ask. Pretty damsels aren't often left alone like this."

I threw in a pick-up line. Not one of my best though but I hoped it would make the cut.

"Oh!" she said in a half-whisper. "You think I am pretty?"

"I think you're prettier than Isabelle too."

She giggled. Was I this good at this?

"Who are you?" she asked in between her short laughs.

"I am your SuperMan."

"Is your name Henry Cavill?"

"Maybe. It's just pronounced differently. But I am your SuperMan."

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