Chapter Thirty-One: Regrets and Remittals

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I instantly felt physically weak and needing to smoke more than ever before. I needed support, and I could see no other reason to be there. Gift was still sobbing, her body shaking as if she woild fall at anytime, while Abraham was watching me with wary eyes. Jean seemed to want to be by Gift's side, but was still standing where he was to avoid another fight, and from his expression, I knew he understood that Gift had told the truth.

I went to Gift and embraced her, letting her rest her head on my chest, trying to get her to feel better, and she responded by letting her walking stick fall to the floor and wrapping her arms around me very tightly while crying the more, so I stood there with her, waiting for her to loosen up and stop.

"I promise I am not angry," I said when I felt she was about to stop crying. "I am only surprised. But now I see you did it thinking that it was for good."

"Please forgive me. I thought I would lose you and thought it would be easier." she said in a tear filled voice.

"I still really love you. I will never do this again I promise."

I patted her back some more, and she slowly relaxed as her sobs went from violent shakes to small vibrations. When she finally stopped I took a step backwards and moved my hands to her shoulders and looked at her, wishing like the old times that she could see me. I then brought my hands from her shoulders and held her own hands, and she managed a smile as she could feel my warmth.

"I love you Gift. But you will pay for this." I said.

Her eyebrows furrowed in a confused expression and then changed back.

"I am willing to pay any price as long as I am with you." she replied.

I leaned forward and planted a quick kiss on the side of her mouth, enjoying how she smiled. I then turned around, my eyes looking for Jean. He and AB had been watching us, and his cat eyes seemed so gentle I wondered why I ever attacked him in the first place. I went to him, looking up to his face and the blood trickling down the side of his mouth, and pulled out a handkerchief from my pocket and handed it to him. He smiled back, and I clasped my hands together as if to say sorry. He smiled back and said a heavily accented "Thank you" while wiping the blood with the handkerchief.

I was surprised that he could speak English. Did that mean he understood everything that had been said?

"He just understands a little bit, what Gift taught him." Abraham said as if he could read my mind.

"I am sorry. It was a misunderstanding." I said, hoping he would understand.

"Thank you." He said again, and stretched his hand out for a handshake.

His gentle nature was quite disturbing, that he could quite forgive, perhaps because he could understand how I felt. I shook his hand again, and tried to remember a little of the French I had learnt in school.

"Mon Ami?" I asked in French I knew was imperfect.
Gift's beautiful laughter sounded a distance away and I grinned too.

"Yes. Friends." Jean said, and we both laughed.

"Gift, please tell him that I said he should take care of you. I have to go now."

"Where are you going to? Don't you wanna be with me?" she asked in a tone that stabbed at my heart.

"I will come tomorrow. But I have to go. Please."

"Okay. Just kiss me before you go."

I went to her and kissed the top of her nose, intending to leave as soon as I could. I could feel my body shaking, asking for some more cigarettes, but Gift pulled me back and locked her arms around my neck, pulling my lips down to hers.

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