Chapter Six: Opening Secrets

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The days went by, and soon the maniacal side of me found its grave and was long buried. I was beginning to regret hurting my favourite friends, and several times I picked up my phone to call them, but my ego prevented me from doing so. I had also passed their gate once, memories flooded in and I felt sad imagining how Blessing would be without me.

I half wanted to replace them with other people, but I loved them too much to do it, and with time I realized nobody in the world would ever replace them, and so, in the weeks preceding the beginning of the second term, I was always alone by myself, playing video games. I started listening to music too, and tried hard to forget the person who had made me love it, and often, I listened to sad music, contemplating the lyrics and relating them to myself. My mother watched me, and I knew she wanted me to fix things up, but my pride held me from doing so.

The beginning of the second term had changed me. My heroic action, coupled with my very impressive result, had made me a favourite of the ladies. Many flocked to me, under the pretext of wanting me to teach them, and I often discovered love letters slipped into the books they gave me, and soon, I was addicted to their company. I had also lost out on decency, and soon I started finding myself in the part of the school nicknamed the 'Dark Classes', an abandoned row of classes that students had converted to a place for cooling off unbridled teenage passions.

Worse, I was beginning to forget that people like Blessing and Gift ever existed, not until the release of our test results, where my performance had gone down a bit, and I knew I had to make up, or else I would soon be losing out on the life I was beginning to enjoy.

Blessing and I now barely communicated, worse than ever before, and though our classmates had tried to ascertain the problem, we both refused to say anything about it. I was now engrossed in my Ladies Man life, and I cared less to want to know of anything happening to her, not until I noticed fewer girls came around when my performance dropped, and I came to the sudden, hurtful realization, that I had left those who really loved me genuinely and now mingled with those who only came close because I had something to offer. I then made up my mind, it was time to fix it all.

On that Thursday, during the break period, I had prepared it all, and patiently waited for break time, and when the bell rang, I went to her seat, and tapped her. She looked away, but I was not prepared to give up, not at any cost. I went down on my knees beside her seat, pulled out a purple flower I had bought specially for the occasion, and looked straight into her eyes. Our classmates had formed a circle around us, watching the new drama scene but I cared less, more interested in what I had to do.

"Blessing dear, I pretend, and behave as if I am okay staying away from you, when in fact I miss the times we were best of friends."

"Sometimes I want to talk to you, or call you, to tell you how much I miss having you in my wretched life and how sorry I am for ever hurting you, but my ego won't let me. Today I have decided to kill and bury that ego, because if losing it is the price I have to pay to have you back as my friend, to have that sweet voice I have come to love call me her love again, to have those beautiful eyes look at me with friendliness again, to have those hands enclose mine and assure me they will always catch me when I fall again, and to have her heart love me again, then I have long lost that ego, because I will give up my life, and the world for you if I ever have to." I paused and swallowed because my throat suddenly felt constricted.

"I was immature, and irrational, letting my pain and hurt blind me so as not to see how much you cared, and I regret that. I am sorry for ever hurting you, and even feel worse that I hurt you by trying to fix my quarrel with someone else, please forgive me and let me have your heart this time, and I promise not to hurt you again". I said each word slowly, like I meant it, because I really did.

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