Chapter Seventeen: Goodbyes

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My heart felt too heavy for me that at times I wished I would just take it out and throw it away. I loved Gift so much, and she had become part of me, and I felt like I had lost that part of me. Worse was my own insecurity, that she would meet someone who was better than me and forget me. When Gift announced her good news, almost everyone could sense that I was unhappy with it.

After I had led Gift to a seat, Blessing pulled me aside for a private conversation.

“I know we all are going to miss our dear Gift, and if we could we would have changed it, but her going overseas is the best. She would be able to read and write French in braille, and millions of job opportunities involving blind people like her will await her. What else do you want if not the best for her?”

I said nothing in reply, because Blessing did not seem to be getting me at all. How was she to know that I was too scared of losing her sister? She saw that I was unwilling to talk, and so she left me alone.

My mother had the same thing to say to me, and that Gift was slated for a better life if she went overseas. She really did deserve the best and way better than staying in Nigeria. She deserved to be somewhere where Blind people were more accepted.

My brother was the only one who understood why I did not feel too good. We had both gone to see our friends off and we went through our usual lonely road. He was dragging Blessing with him, trying to give Gift and I some space, and she was laughing and talking about keeping her eye on her sister before I corrupted her, because I was not filled with the Holy Spirit, but my brother still managed to give us some distance.

“So you will be leaving me soon?” I asked Gift, when AB and Blessing were out of hearing.

“I hate to, but yes.” she answered.

“Isn’t there any way you will prolong your stay, for a bit?”

“No David. I have to go.”

I said nothing else, and we walked on in silence, with her clutching my arm tightly and walking carefully so as not to stumble.

“I know you will miss me, so I have something I will give you before I go.” she continued.

“And what is that if I may ask?”

“It is a surprise my love. For now I will stay away from you.”

“Why will you stay away from me?”

“You will need to get used to not having me around.”

I said nothing else, and continued leading her.

“I know you feel hurt, but remember my promise to you. There is no other person I will love in this world beyond you. It all starts and ends with you.”

“And I love you more than anything else in the world.”

She smiled, and sniffed, and that was when I discovered she had been crying.

My brother and I were coming back home after seeing our twin friends off, but there was an awkward silence between us till he broke it.

“I noticed you were not that happy when Gift announced she would soon be leaving, and my best guesses are either you will miss her, or you are scared of losing her.”

I turned to him and smiled, slinging my arm over his shoulder and wondering if he could read my mind.

“That is what nobody understands. I have always been afraid that she will find someone that loves her and will subsequently leave me for that person. She is even already talking about staying away from me.”

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