Chapter Twenty-Six: New Things

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My father surprised me that week with a new phone, and so I handed over the old one to my brother. He was happy and overly excited, and did not surprise me when Blessing's contact was the first he saved on the phone. That night we were both in my room when he decided to call her, and as I listened to them speak to each other, I decided to talk to my brother about what had been on my mind for a long time now.

He terminated the call and started smiling to himself as he sat down at the foot of my bed.

"When are you going to understand that she does not love you?"

The question caught him by surprise, and he turned around and looked at me.

"I know she does not, but I try not to think about it, because I hope she might change her mind."

"You're just being delusional. You know she will never love you."

"What do you mean?" he asked me, one of his eyebrows raised up on his handsome face.

I had never believed that emotional thoughts could physically sap someone, could physically drain them of all energy, but I finally got to really understand now. In recent days, my emotional hurt and pain had made me physically weak, and now I felt too weak to even reply AB.

"What makes you think she will love you?" I asked him.

"Sometimes all women need is patience, and care, just like a predator and its prey, only a caring predator this time," he smirked. "Or more like a fisherman and his bait, and I'm waiting patiently for her to take that bait."

"Have you never seen when the fisherman loses the fish, and has to set the bait for another one?"

I had rarely seen AB flare up in anger. The main person prone to throwing tantrums among all three of us was me, but the strain of recent days had made me a gentleman, and I wasn't sure if I was ever going to be the old me again, to ever throw tantrums again. But this time the person whose anger was flaring up was AB, and I wondered if it was a spirit that left me and went to him.

"Are you trying to say that I will lose her?" he questioned, his voice carrying unmistakable undertones of rage.

I smiled, still weakly, and heaved a heavy sigh.

"They always say love is blind, and that's the problem. You always find yourself clinging to a small thread of hope when in love. It was the same thing with me and Gift. I had hoped that she would see how much I cared, how much I was willing to sacrifice for her, how I could even give my life for her. Now I feel like it was always planned, that she had found someone else and contrived to leave me, else how was she able to move on so quickly."

"Blessing and Gift may be twins, but they are not the same," he insisted, his voice sounding harder.

I remained unfazed. "And do you think she will love you? Given our past, how we briefly dated before we separated again, and which Nigerian girl ever falls in love with someone younger than her?"

"D.amn you David. Is it not all your fault? How can you love two girls at the same time, two sisters at that, and even date them."

My mind searched for the words but found none, and so I kept quiet and looked straight at him. It didn't mollify him at all, rather seemed to make him grow angrier.

"You are selfish and only think about yourself. You never think about anybody else, just yourself. That is why you are telling me this nonsense. If I could get my ex girlfriend, who was older than me, then I will get Blessing too. I love her too much to let her go." he said, his voice almost in a shout and paused. "In fact I think you want to get Blessing back, but you will never. She is going to be mine and only mine, and I will love her better than you ever did to leave her for somebody else."

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