Chapter Three: Hard Choices

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It almost felt like forever, and time ticked ever so slowly until my alarm rang and woke me up that Monday morning.

And as my eyes opened, I wondered why I never tried to get Isabelle's contact from someone who had it. Shit.

No. I'm glad I didn't. Couldn't be a simp.

My family was surprised to see me spooning cereal in my mouth that early, and I laughed it off. So did the people who saw me taking large strides to class. I felt this sense of urgency, the need to get to them quickly. And it did not stop until I walked into the class.

All eyes were instantly on me. Finally.

"Hey. DJ's early today," Someone said, and I heard other murmurs of agreement. I simply grinned and felt my mood dampen when I saw people around Isabelle's seat again.

Only this time a smile spread across her face once she saw me. It felt like she had been waiting for me.

I couldn't help it. I had to smile back. Isabelle Smith was smiling at me. But I still chose not to go to her, more because of the people around her seat.

I sat down on my desk and was trying to listen to some music again when I saw someone come up from behind me. And when I turned, I was to see Isabelle standing there, her two hands joined at her hips, and her blue eyes looking so beautiful as they watched me.

I was too surprised to think of something to do. Isabelle Smith came to talk to me.

"Uhm," She started.


"Won't you ask me to sit?"

"On my face, hell yeah!" A quick thought screamed in my head.

"I'm so sorry you can." I offered, standing up from my seat and letting it to her.

She giggled and sat on it while I sat on the table.

Now, what would I talk to Isabelle Smith about without sounding corny?

"So an angel came to see me this morning?" I hit one. Nice try maybe.

She had a T-Shirt and a skirt that fell just at her knees, but it had gone a bit higher up her leg as she sat down. Seeing that white thigh was distracting.

"You don't have to flatter me." She replied, and I saw a shade of crimson in her cheeks.

"Flatter you?" I asked, laughing as I said it. "You look like you were snatched up from a couple of angels and sent down here. Now, why should I flatter a heavenly being?"

"I can bleed."

I took her hand in mine, the back facing up and then ran my thumb over it.

"Feels like you could bleed pure water." I grinned at her and she laughed too.

She did not attempt to take her hand off, so I kept holding it. Our eyes locked, and we both smiled before she broke it and turned away.

Mark and Alice came into the class together just then, and I felt a slight tinge of jealousy sweep through me. She saw me holding Isabelle's hand too and stopped dead in her tracks. Mark, for his part, simply laughed, his glasses standing out on his face.

I felt Isabelle's hand withdraw slowly from mine, and my attention got drawn to her. I suddenly realized it wasn't just Mark and Alice watching us.

The whole class was watching us.

They at least knew Isabelle and I hardly ever spoke, for a reason they did not know about. This was all new to them.

And then there was some noise at the door of the class.

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