Chapter Seven: Love and Light

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This bombshell was one that exploded even before it dropped, and I did not know how to feel or what to say. To think that the girl I did not try to associate with because I felt she was way above my level and had too many guys around was actually in love with me, and that I was calling her On Point when she could probably not get me off her mind? Was love not the funniest thing the Good Lord ever created?

"I have loved you for long, because you were the guy with the difference. Different boys crowded around me, all trying to get my attention, but you seemed in a world of your own, gentle, quiet, and smart. Anytime I wanted to come close to you, you always gave me a distant look, as though you had something else on your mind, and I craved to share that burden. I was surprised when I came and found you conversing with my twin, but nevertheless I was happy on the inside too."

I looked at her, and saw honesty radiate in her eyes, and it was quite disarming, so I bent my head and kept listening.

"When you saved us from James, and caught a glimpse of my body, I felt ashamed that you had to see me like that, but I felt happy, because it was being seen by the right man. When you carried me I was where I always wanted to be, in your arms, being carried like a bride."

I remembered that same moment, how oblivious I was to Blessing, my mind reeling in the sensuality of Gift's body.

"I felt happy every time you came into our room, it felt to me like a fulfillment of a prophecy, one slowly coming to pass, how we, in the future, will share a room, and love, and start a family. Lying next to you in bed was my comfort, and several times I was tempted to lay my head on your chest and listen to your heart beat for me and only me. When I twerked, away from you sha, I wanted you to see that I was not the whole-hearted Christian girl you thought me to be, and that I had inclinations to you too, and when I talked about twerking for my husband, I was simply telling you how I wanted us to be, because I was thinking about you. Things barely escape my eye, and when I noticed you show more affection for Gift, I thought you did it to make her feel less disabled, and that made me love you more, until I heard you tell her the same words I wanted you to tell me, and saw you give her the kiss I craved all my life. When I called you to come back, in your haste to leave our house that day, you heard me crying. I was not crying because I was hurt for you, but because I was hurt for myself. We were both heartbroken David."

I could barely recall a moment I felt better than how I did listening to her there. I was truly a monster. I was so insensitive that I did not see true love right in front of me, and I went to where my heart would get broken. I was blinded by my love for Gift, that I did not see how much Blessing loved me. There were becoming too many things to apologize for in my life.

"Blessing dear I know I have wronged you, and hurt your feelings, and I feel so bad about it. You should not have forgiven me, because that apology seemed too small for all the things I have done. I am sorry for being too insensitive, to not know when I hurt you, and I am sorry again and again. I am also sorry for the love you had for me that I killed-"

"True love does not easily die David. I still want you more than ever before" she interrupted.

We sat on the school desk, facing each other and breaths quickening, fired by an all-consuming passion. Her eyes were filled with a longing for me, and I looked into them. With my thoughts of Gift fast disappearing, and hers of a model Christian life too, we went beyond best friends, forgetting that we were in school, and that anybody could have stepped in at any time. Everything was lost in that one long kiss, and a new found love that had arisen between best friends.

I felt whole and complete that day, walking home because I refused to follow her driver. I felt happier than a lily in sunshine, and I wished Blessing was walking by me. I would have been holding her hand and it would serve more purpose, since we had now graduated from friends to lovers. I was so happy, too happy that I did not curse the driver who splashed the mud caused by the previous day's rain on me, and when I got home, I bought 500 naira airtime to talk to her. I reserved myself, deciding to call her in the night. She seemed to have the same idea on her mind, because by 9PM on the dot, she had sent me a text that read:

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