Chapter Eight: As Quickly As It Began

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When I got home, I slept for almost the whole day, a make up for the previous romantic night, and thankfully no one had disturbed me at all, especially not my violent younger brother or my persistent younger sister. When I finally  woke up, I had my dinner with my parents watching me closely to assure them all was well and I was  totally fine, and I even told my mother that I had fixed things up with Blessing, taking care not to let it slip that our relationship had taken a new and romantic turn. But it was when she questioned me about Gift that I had nothing to say.

My mother told me remember to inquire about Gift from Blessing for her before turning her attention back to my unperturbed father, who cared less about my twin friends. He was fine as long as I did not get into trouble, or bring home bad results or made friends with bad boys, and when he saw the twins were good girls, coupled with my mother’s constant praise, he was fine with them. The smile my mother gave while talking about Gift was one I found annoying, it showed she personally liked her.

I made a quick mental note to ask Blessing about Gift that evening, and although I waited for her, more patiently than the Jews had for their promised Messiah, who would deliver them from the hands of the oppressing Romans, Blessing did not seem to intend to call me or come online on any Social Media application anytime sooner than that, and I guessed that she must have been lost in slumber just like me.

I thought it right not to disturb her with any call or message, so that she would have rested well enough to be able to communicate with me properly, one of the rare cases where I exhibited patience. It got to past the hour of six that evening, before I got a call from her, and she confirmed my suspicions about being so deep asleep due to our previous night’s love blues.

When I asked her about Gift, she told me Gift was doing very fine, and that the School for the Disabled was under intense pressure to have their students ready for their Senior School Certificate Examinations as soon as possible to make up for the wasted time caused by the cholera outbreak, and with the result that Gift would not be home in three months. I felt happy about it, because I calculated that by the time she was back I would have healed enough to be able to meet her and still be okay.

“That reminds me baby, we also have to start preparing for our own Senior School Certificate Exams too,” Blessing pointed out to me over the phone.

“Are you kidding me! The exams are four months away!” I exclaimed. I would have shouted if I wasn't in bed.

“Yes darling, the earlier we prepare, the more ready we will be. For that reason we should limit our calls to an hour a day.”

“You are already starving me of romance, do you have to starve me of your love too?”

“When we get married you will have more than enough of both, honey.” Blessing consoled me, a vain consolation I knew was not going to work.

I was really now beginning to miss the reckless playboy days in the dark classes. In my next life, if there was going to be one, I would need to be dodging relationships with these Christian sisters.

“Okay darling. I love you.” I moaned, accepting defeat.

“Love you more my Angel," she said and yawned.

"I want to see you on WhatsApp so can you please come online for me? I want to show you something.” she requested.

I promised her I would be there, and although I wondered what she wanted to show me, I did not want to ask just in case it was an exciting surprise. Had it been any other girl, I would have made a guess of some erotic photos of herself, or a sweet love message, or just something to surprise me, but that was simply not my Blessing.

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