Chapter Twenty-Nine: Help

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I spent the whole weekend with Amina, and as always, it was fun. Her house maid who had fallen sick had gotten leave and some money from Amina, and I only realized how lonely she could get in her house when I saw that no one had come to see her throughout the time I was around.

I was her only company, and she never left my side except the brief minutes she spent praying, always coming to stay with me as soon as she was done. We played games, watched movies, slept, and talked, but she always made me indulge in her favorite pastime activity, cooking, whenever she wanted to. Most times she preferred being alone while cooking, but a few times she wanted me with her in the kitchen to assist her, and I always found it hard to resist how cute her voice sounded when she asked me to.

I went to church very early on Sunday morning, hoping to be back very quickly so that she won't be left alone, but when I came back she was already up and cooking. I placed my Bible on the center table in the living room, and went into the kitchen without changing the wear still on my body, and the aroma wafting around the kitchen made me shiver.

"Sweetheart I'm so sorry that I left you alone when you were sleeping, but I didn't wanna wake you," I said and my stomach growled. She stood with her back to me, and in front of the gas cooker just in front of the window. The light poured in from the window and on her skin, making her look like a brown skinned angel.

"It's okay David. You do have to go to church and talk to God." she said with a grin. "Now did I just hear something growl?"

"I must have brought a lion in the kitchen."

"Are you a lion?"

"Maybe. I guess I could just eat you up now." I smiled, touching my finger to her neck as she removed the already fried chips from the oil and loaded some more.

"I'm cooking oh. If I finish you will eat that one." she said and turned around to wink at me.

I looked at her again, and not for the first time, wondered what I had done to deserve an angel like her, and I smiled when I remembered how since the dream in which I saw Gift, she always came in after I was asleep and held my hand, sleeping next to me and avoiding all other body contact. Any other two people of the opposite gender like us would have engaged in activity, but ours was a simple and pure relationship, finding peace in each other's company.

"You trust me a bit too much Amina." I blurted out, unable to hide my thoughts. "You always sleep with me on the same bed with so much trust that I will not do anything to you. You always forget that I am a man with feelings, and you are a desirable woman on your part."

She turned her full glare on me, and as she turned away from the gas cooker to me,I noticed for the first time that she had not yet taken off her pyjamas.

"I do trust you David, and I cannot help it because in all the years we have been friends, never have you touched any of the sensitive parts of my body. I cannot trust other men the way I do around you, not even Peter, because we have an understanding of ourselves."

"Are you taking my fear of s.ex after Winifred's episode for granted?"

"No I am not. And I totally understand what it is to be like you. You desire it, but when someone is there to do it with you, you just cannot go further. I have felt that way for long, ever since my teacher molested me, and there is the peace you find when you are with someone who has gone through the same things."

My eyes got misty as I spread my arms to hug her and she fell into my embrace. I was not sure if I would ever find someone who understood my every emotion as much as this princess did.

"Amina you are the best thing I ever found in Lagos." I whispered.

"Let me go!" she snarled, and I released her quickly, frightened by the urgency in her voice. She simply moved back to her position in front of the gas cooker and turned her loving eyes on me once again.

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