Chapter Fifteen: Days in a Cast

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    We were so engrossed in the movie that we lost track of time and only realized how much time had gone when my mother came back home. She usually closed from her work by 4PM and we were surprised to hear her footsteps outside until a quick glance at the wall clock told me that it was 4:18PM already. I had wanted to remove my hands from Gift’s quickly, but when I saw that she had slept off with her head on my shoulder I smiled and let her sleep. She had probably imagined too much and gotten tired of imagining. Jemima had run to the door to welcome my mother, while AB and Blessing had arisen to greet her when she entered.

    “Wow the champion twins are here. How are you Blessing?” she beamed.

    “I am fine ma.” she replied

    “You came to see your friend David bah?”

Blessing’s yes was hesitated as if she was forced to say it and I understood but I did not care.

“I know his results will be good since you read with him. Ever since you became friends he has been having good results,” my mother said, and I silently resented the statement. “I see you brought a teddy for my baby and thanks so much for it dear. God bless you.” she said when she saw Jemima with the teddy bear.

“Look at her sleeping with her head on Dave’s shoulder. You will both look good if you marry oh,” my mother said with a smile on her face when she saw me and Gift.

I turned my head towards Gift a bit to look at her, and I was star struck for a moment seeing her. Her face looked so beautiful and peaceful as she was sleeping with her head on my shoulder and I could not help smiling at how my mother’s words felt like a prediction. I wanted to be with her forever and ever. 

“Don’t stand up oh. You don’t have to wake her.” my mother cautioned and I obeyed gladly, after all it was where I really wanted to be, next to her.

It did not take long before Gift woke up, and she was soon sitting upright and away from me with a shy expression on her face when she discovered my mother was right there in the parlour, but my mother had not considered it as anything serious and was even dishing instructions to AB on the Jollof rice she wanted to cook.

“Ma we would please like to take our leave now.” Blessing told her politely.

“I am not chasing you away my dear. You can see that I have already instructed Abraham on what to cook for all of us to eat, so please stay a bit. I know your parents are not around but I will still call them to inform them that you are in my house.” my mother replied her with a motherly smile spread across her face, and then asking Jemima to bring her phone, she called their mother and told them her twins were with her.

“Ah Mummy David. They can even sleepover in your house if you want ma,” their mother had said over the phone.

They spoke about other issues before their chit chat ended and my mother put down her phone with a triumphant smile on her face.

“You heard what your mother said. Welcome to my house. Thank God that Gift has even woken up.”

Gift gave my mother a shy smile, her hands clasped between her round thighs.

“Oya David go and clean Jemima’s room so that they will sleep there. You and Abraham will stay in your room today and Jemima will stay in Abraham’s room.” she commanded.

I stood up and touched Gift’s shoulder to assure her and to let her know I was still there, and she rested her hand on mine with a smile. My mother had gone to the kitchen to direct Abraham, and Blessing had gone with her to offer a helping hand even when my mother had kept refusing. I asked Jemima to stay with Gift while I went to do what I was asked to, and since the room was close to the kitchen I could hear Abraham talking to Blessing about going with her to get some of their clothes and personal effects from their house.

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