Chapter Twenty-One: Tears

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The phone beeped after ringing for some seconds and got terminated.

"Call her again brother," he encouraged.

I dialed the contact again half hoping no one would respond, but this time it got picked.

"Hello, C'est que ce?" I heard her voice ask over the line in French and I felt so overcome with emotion I thought I was going to cry. Peter and I had now stopped walking, and he was using gestures to encourage me to speak.

"Who is this?" she asked again, this time in English.

"It is me-". I started but my voice trailed off, laden with emotion.

"Who are you?"

"It is me, David. Your -". I did not know what to call our relationship again. I was not sure if it was even still valid. I was thinking of the next words to say but I had no need, because she cut the call.

"Man call her again. You have to fix this mess." Peter encouraged, his expression one of pity and sadness.

I dialed again and again and again till I had counted up to seven calls. Several times I had wanted to stop calling but Peter urged me on, and my spirits soared when she picked the call up again.

"Hello?" I said, sounding very desperate.

"Yes David. What do you want to do with the blind girl who nobody wants?"

"No my love, it was never-"

"Don't call me that again. You lost the right to do that long ago." she cut in, and my morale went down by half.

"I just want to apologize," I continued. "I want to say I am sorry because I was not thinking straight when I said all of those things, and it took me time to get back to my senses. Life has been so dull without you, and I just want to get back to the way we were before. I am sorry, and I promise I still love you."

"Is that all?" she asked.

I felt frustrated and sadder. Now she did not seem to care about me anymore and it was all my fault.

"Look here David," she started, and I braced up for the worst. "You were the last person I expected to ever make fun of my condition, and you did just that even when you know it is the worst thing I had ever faced, but I forgive you for that. And if you still love me, I am sorry but Jean replaced you. He is better than you in every way, and he even has the mind to do what you can't do. At least he was able to love me even in my blind state, and make me feel like a woman, even in bed. I am sorry, but still not sorry, that you are now part of the past. I may be blind, but at least I take hearts better than some people with eyesight."

I did not feel like me when I heard those words, but rather felt like I had been transported to a realm beyond my control, and somehow, I felt my spirit go outside my body. It was only when I felt myself falling that I steadied myself, and Peter helped me too, catching me in the nick of time.

"And yes, my ex-boyfriend. Don't you dare call me ever again." she said, and the call went dead.

Peter understood the solemnity of the moment, and gently took his phone from me. He then spotted one of the tree roots that jutted out unusually and guided me to sit down because my eyes were filled with too much tears to even see, and when I sat, I bent my head down and let them stream down my cheeks with large torrents. My chest felt too heavy for me, I felt like I was going to puke, and I hated everything, and everyone, and myself, but after some thought I left the angelic friend standing beside me now, his hand on my shoulder offering me comfort out of my hate list.

I really did not know how long I sat on that root, until Peter shook me a bit.

"Nightfall is coming brother. Let us go home." he said, and pulled me up.

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