Trans Ron Weasley

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This was my favourite one to write, I love the bonding between Molly and Ron with this and the comfort they are with each other. Hope you like it :)

It was Christmas Eve in 1993, and Ron was decorating the Christmas Tree with Ginny's homemade decorations as he did every year, when he heard a shout from across the room "Dinner's ready!" - it was Ron's mum, Molly Weasley. Ron shouted back to her, "Coming, mum!" and he carried on putting up the decorations on the tree. 5 minutes later, Ron was still not done. He hadn't realized how many homemade decorations Ginny had made, and he heard another shout " Come on, Ronald! You're tea's gonna be cold!". Without thinking, Ron shouted back "Give me a bloody minute!" but when he realized what he had said, he slapped his hand over his mouth and instead of putting up the rest of the decorations, he ran upstairs into his bedroom. He felt uncontrollably angry for some reason. No one had made him angry, it was just a sort of instinct feeling. A feeling he couldn't control. The only way Ron had figured to get his anger out was to hit and kick things in his bedroom. He hit a lamp off the shelf, kicked a football out of his window, and when he heard his mum coming, he hit down a row of books on his bookshelf. He had finally gotten his anger out, but now, he felt considerably guilty for what he had done. But he didn't clean it up, instead, he put his hands over his face and started crying.

When Molly had finally gotten to Ron's bedroom, she opened the door, about to shout at the boy for the state of his room, when she noticed he was crying. "Ron?" she almost whispered, and in return, she got a "go away" from her son. "What happened? Do I need to speak to anyone? Did Fred and George jinx your teddies to spiders again?" To this, Ron giggled, putting his head up so that she could see his red cheeks and teary eyes "No, they didn't mum, and you don't need to talk to anyone" Molly's face relaxed, "But you didn't answer my first question." Ron's eyes teared-up again and he sighed, "I don't know what happened" he leaned back to lay on his bed "I just felt so angry, and then sad, and now my stomach hurts" Molly gasped, sitting down next to Ron and suggested "This might just me overstepping, but-" she paused to put his hand on hers, "I think you're getting your first period, cherry cheeks" Ron giggled again, he thought she was joking. "Haha, very funny" he sat up, "Plus, you told me that I wouldn't get it until I was at least 14, I'm 13" Molly face tensed up, she did in fact say that. "Well Ron, Mums are not doctors. And not even doctors can tell you when you get your first period."

"It's just an estimate of when you might get it?" Ron questioned. He thought mums knew this stuff? He felt another cramp come through, and winced "Ouch"

"Why don't we just forget about it today, and you just come and tell me when you get it? Kapeesh?" Molly made her voice a little softer, comforting her son.

"Kapeesh" Ron fist bumped his mum, letting her leave the room.

Later that day, Ron and the rest of the family were sitting on the sofas in the living room, when Ron's stomach jolted again. It was worse than before, and he was starting to think his mum was right about this whole period thing. He carried on his conversations like nothing had happened, when he felt a weird sensation in his underwear, and was forced to get up. He elbowed his mum and whispered "I think it's happening" He ran out of the living room, and into the bathroom, where he pulled down his trousers and accidentally screamed. Molly heard this and immediately excused herself from the room and knocked on the bathroom door, "Ron? You okay?" Noticing the door was unlocked, she opened the door slightly. Ron quickly pulled up his trousers, going up to his mum and whispering "I got my period" to her. "Come on, honey" she gently grabbed Ron's arm, and took him to Molly and Arthur's bathroom.

"Okay, sit there" Ron sat down on the toilet seat, listening to Molly. "Let me give you a quick rundown" Ron nodded, getting comfortable on the seat, so his cramps didn't get any worse.

"You're gonna get these every month, but for the first few years it probably will be irregular. Nothing to worry about with that, you're NOT pregnant. These are pads, you take the back off and they stick to your underwear like a sticker, and the wings stick to the outside of your underwear." Molly took a deep breath before starting again. "Not all periods are red, so don't be alarmed if it's slightly brown, that's normal. That's it really." Ron looked overwhelmed, but Molly took it as a good thing. "Okay, you can go now" Ron smiled slightly, "I'll come to you if I have any questions"

"Okay, hun. Love you" Molly kissed Ron on the head, and left the room, closing the door behind her.

"Well, I guess this is my life now" he thought to himself, putting on the pad Molly had left him, getting his trousers back on and leaving the bathroom.

Ron emerged from his parents bedroom to find Fred and George standing outside, each holding a bar of chocolate and George holding a hot water bottle. "Has she told people already?" Ron took the bar of chocolate from Fred's hand and bit it agressively. "Yep, everyone downstairs knows." George answered, giving him the hot water bottle, "Put that where the pain is, mum says it will help." Ron took the hot water bottle and slid it under the belt of his trousers, "Thanks''

"Also, tell mum that I'll be in bed so not to bother making me dessert"

"Wow, no dessert? You really have changed" The twins both giggled to themselves whilst Ron took the supplies out of their hands and left for his bedroom. He swifty got there, laying on his bed and dumping the stuff on the floor. Tears ran down his eyes and soon enough he was sobbing, and the only words that came out of his mouth was "I don't wanna change..."

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