Lily-Luna Potter

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Finally, a story that's been waiting for a long time. This story was requested by @LilacTiger21, but I completely forgot about the story about a week ago, and I finally finished it! Also, my kitten's gone missing so expect either a lot more stories this weekend or a lot less, depending on whether we find him and how much motivation I have. Anyway, enjoy and I'll see you in the next chapter! :)

The potter house lay still under the moonlight with its various lights twinkling, brightening the path below it, and the peacefulness of the sleeping children inside warmed up the place. Everyone was asleep, dreaming their hearts away, except one. One child was cooped up in the laundry room downstairs, sobbing as her stained bedsheets twirled around in the washing machine in front of her. This little girl was in fact our very own Lily-Luna.

At 11, Lily-Luna didn't expect her period at all, but she was sure prepared for it all right. Every time a book was read to her by her mother from the age of 9 years old was about puberty, and this was all a part of Ginny's plan to make sure that her daughter wasn't as confused and frightened as she was all those years ago. Not that it worked all that much, she was crying on the laundry room floor for merlin's sake! A million thoughts ran through her brain at the moment as she sat, along with a dose of shame and embarrassment. How was she going to tell her mum?

After a while of being sat with her thoughts, Lily-Luna decided it was time to go and sort herself out. She carefully crept from the laundry room, making sure not to wake anyone up, and made her way to the downstairs bathroom. The bathroom was only lit by a singular window before she made her way into it and turned on the little light at the centre of the ceiling. Looking through the drawers under the sink, she rummaged around trying to remember what her mother described as 'pads'. 'Pink squares with a small paper tab at the front' she repeated to herself over and over, still rummaging through the masses of hairspray and nail polish in them. They were nowhere to be seen. The panic set in further now before coming to the conclusion that in order to do that she would have to get her mum. How she was going to do that was another question.

She crept back out of the bathroom, making her way through the cosy corridor leading up to the stairs. Making sure nobody was downstairs, she turned the light off before quietly tip-toeing up the stairs and making her way towards the master bedroom, which belonged to her parents. The door seemed to get larger and larger as she walked towards it, clearly the cause of her anxiety. This made her hesitate slightly. No, Lily, you can do this! It's just your parents. Just go in and tell them what happened! She took a deep breath in and carefully opened the door.

The room was pitch-black and almost silent except the soft snoring she could hear from her parents. "Mama?" she called into the darkness, hoping that she was right in guessing her mum was in the furthest side as she walked towards the back wall. A feminine groan came from the side she had stepped next to. "What's wrong, my love?" The feminine voice did infact turn out to be Ginny, so she sat carefully on the bed, trying her best not to sit on her mum. Lily sat there, trying to think of a way to tell her mum she started her period without her dad knowing, going through all the nicknames she could think of in her head. Finally, after a few minutes she found one. "Mama, I got Girl Flu." she whispered, just loud enough for Ginny to hear. A few seconds of silence followed, along with a gasp of realisation and she felt the body underneath her shuffle up slightly. The small lamp turned on next to her, revealing her mum's face. The bad news is, this woke Harry up. He groaned before sitting up slightly, revealing to him the presence of his daughter. "What's going on?" He managed to muffle out through his yawns. "Nothing, go back to sleep love." She replied, though secretly giving him a look that directly said 'I'll tell you later' - this went unnoticed. "Come on love, to the bathroom!" Ginny whispered sarcastically, as soon as Harry turned his back to the pair before gently guiding Lily to the onsuite bathroom.

As they entered, the light automatically turned on above them. Lily watched as Ginny grabbed a box out of the cupboard under the sink before presenting it to her. She met her with a confused expression. "These, lil, are pads. They're sometimes known as sanitary towels, but either will do." Lily listened on curiously, "You stick them on your underwear, and they soak up the blood so it doesn't get on your clothes. And trust me, you do not want that." Ginny passed her a pad, and gestured for her to put it on, "The flower on the end goes at the front." She pulled her underwear down just enough to slide the pad in, which she was proud to say was done quite easily, and tugged her pyjama bottoms back up. "Tada!" Lily-Luna shouted, voice full with enthusiasm but also exhaustion - Ginny clapped. "Right lovely, I'll put these in your bathroom tommorrow morning. But let's get you to bed now, shall we?" Her daughters face almost filled with anxiety. "Can I sleep here? With you and daddy?" Ginny sighed, of course she wanted to stay with her. She let out a small nod and they both left the bathroom.

So, there they lay, cuddled next to each other. Lily-Luna looked at her mum and whispered, "Love you mama."

"Love you too." Ginny replied, before planting a kiss on her daughters' forehead as she felt her fall asleep.

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