Lily Evans - Remus & Lily (platonic)

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I'm back again! Sorry for how short this is, it's 11 pm and this was a complete spur-of-the-moment one-shot from a tiktok I watched, so it wasn't supposed to be this long either way. I might add to it later but I'll write 'edited' in italics to let you know in between this paragraph and the first paragraph of the one-shot. Anyways, I'll see you soon. Have a good one!

Lily sat in transfiguration, spacing out in her thoughts as Professor McGonagall rambled on about revision for OWLs. Remus was sat in the seat next to her, also dazing off but in the direction of Lily, who was holding her stomach and occasionally shifting in her seat - which was unusual for her. He was worried about her and continued to look at her in concern until the lesson ended and everyone started to leave. Remus didn't think anything of the fact that Lily was sat down whilst packing up, as she usually did that anyway for some reason - probably to give her legs extra rest or something. But when she stood up, he noticed the red stain that covered her black skirt and the chair she was sitting on. Oh Merlin, what to do...

Acting out of instinct, Remus grabbed an old quidditch jumper from his bag before slyly wrapping it around Lily's waist - which she clearly noticed, but was too confused by the whole situation to say anything - and lowered her so that she wasn't touching the chair, but so that nobody could see the stain on it. She finally spoke, "What are you doing?"

"Lily, you've got uhh.." Remus felt himself go slightly pink, "You've got blood on your skirt. It's on the chair too." He saw Lily's eyes widen in shock, before taking a form of a relieved feeling. She smiled slightly, before pointing her wand at the stain on her chair and casting 'scourgify' at it, making the stain disappear in an instant. Remus raised an eyebrow, "Why don't you do it on your skirt?" Lily tutted, throwing her bag on her back and walking to the front of the classroom to put her book away, "I would, but it goes wrong a lot of the time and makes it harder to get out. It's just easier to not try at all." Remus nodded in understanding, grabbing his stuff and following Lily out.

Walking the hallways, Remus was struggling with what to offer to Lily for support, so he decided on a "Do you need me to take you to Madame Pomfrey?", which clearly worked since she shook her head and smiled at him once again. It took a few minutes of silence before Lily finally spoke, and by that time Lily was already outside the Gryffindor common room, "Guess it's time I leave you then. Thanks, Remus." She made her way through the portrait, before halting, "Oh! And if Professor Slughorn asks, just tell him it's lady issues." Remus arched an eyebrow in confusion, "What if it doesn't work?" Lily smiled suggestively at him, giving him a sense she was going to say something smart, "Trust me, it will." She winked before walking through the portrait hole, and Remus found himself waiting until the entrance shut again before leaving for class. Well, that was awkward.

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