Draco Malfoy [Drarry version]

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Hey everyone! I know I've been a little less active and I'm sorry about that. I've had school and It's been taking up most of my spare time. Anyway, this is a very old story that I wrote like ages ago when I was in my drarry crazy phase, I still like drarry just not as much. So, hope you enjoy and I'll hopefully get some more previous stories out by next week!

Curtains swayed and candles glew in the Gryffindor boys' dorms, where Harry lay in his bed with Draco by his side. The dorm room was dead silent and everyone there seemed to be sleeping, wind brushing from one bed to another, causing the boys' hair to frizz and mess. The 2 boys were sound asleep, Draco not yet aware of what would wake him up.

The sun rose, slightly lighting up the side of the bed Draco was laid at as the last few moments of sleep brushed through him. Draco slowly opened his eyes, adapting to the light as he did so, before turning over to see Harry. He was met with a head full of soft raven curls that stuck out from the tiny low bun he had in. He admired him for a moment, and thought to himself - how did I end up with the most gorgeous man in the world? Draco didn't deserve this, he knew he didn't. All the times he had teased Harry, tormented him all because he was in major denial about his crush on him. Harry had told him on numerous occasions not to dwell on the past, and that it didn't matter. Though he had pushed what he did to Harry aside, he hadn't forgotten and he definitely hadn't forgiven himself for it - but it didn't matter now. All that mattered to Draco right now is that he was with Harry, and if he could, he would stay in this moment forever.

He didn't have long to stay in his calm state before a sharp pain hit him in his lower abdomen. It tore through him, as what he would describe as 'a knife cutting paper', and he hugged his stomach out of instinct.

"Fuck," Draco whispered before throwing the sheets off of him. The sheet under him was covered in a dark red stain, and he sighed. How could he have gone this whole time without noticing anything? He cursed to himself, slightly louder this time, and hurriedly made his way to the bathroom in the corner of the room. He shoved open the door, not bothering to lock it before he hurriedly made his way to the toilet. To no surprise, everything from the waist down had at least a little bit of blood on it from his accident.

"Fucking hell," he shouted, probably a little bit too loud, which promptly woke up Harry.

Harry tossed in his bed, allowing his body to relax as he slowly woke up from his slumber. The sun glared through the windows, causing him to squint his eyes as he adjusted to the light when he noticed Draco was missing. He'd thought that the shouting he heard had just been a nightmare, but he wasn't so sure now. What if the shouting was Draco? What if he needed his help? Harry tried his best not to panic, but it wasn't working. There were just too many things going on in his head already, and now his boyfriend was missing? He promptly flung the sheets off of him, but before he could get off, he noticed something. A red stain covered the majority of the middle-left side of the bed. He groaned to himself - period. Harry's eyeline looked around the room for his wand, but he wasn't getting anywhere. He hadn't found his glasses either, so he couldn't see anything out of his peripheral vision at the moment. Since he was failing miserably at finding his wand or glasses, he decided that maybe it would be better to check on Draco. Besides, he technically was the one bleeding. Harry tiredly scurried over to the bathroom door, before knocking quietly. He could already tell from the noise coming through the door that Draco was trying not to cry, and he felt kind of sorry for him.

Opening the bathroom door slightly, Harry found himself staring face to face with a teary-eyed Draco, who was currently standing naked from the waist down, trying to wash his bottoms with the soap from the sink. He felt a strong sense of empathy for him, causing him to walk over to the blonde-haired man out of instinct.

"Love?" Harry spoke softly whilst rubbing Draco's back in gentle circles as he watched his boyfriend slowly turn his head to look at him again. His eyes looked as if they had enough tears in them to refill all the oceans in England, and his cheeks flustered a peach colour, which he examined closely before feeling a head on his shoulder. Draco was crying onto his shoulder. No, not crying - sobbing. Throwing all his aches and emotional pains out and onto Harry in the form of thousands of teardrops. Though this was not expected, Harry continued to rub gentle motions into his back whilst whispering affirming words into his ear, like Draco did when he cried. It felt like hours until the sobs turned into sniffling and once again he was making eye contact with Draco Malfoy.

Harry let out a slight smile for him, not really knowing what else to do, and gently let go of the hold he had on Draco's back. Instead, he put his hand on his boyfriends' face and gently dragged it down his face before letting it sit on the bottom of his chin.

"I'm sorry." was all Draco could say back to Harry in between his panicked breaths and sniffles. Harry looked into his eyes apologetically, "Don't be sorry, Draco. It happens to the best of us." Draco let out a tired giggle to that, before resting his arms around Harry's shoulders to keep himself awake. A moment of silence passed before Harry decided to speak up again, "Let's get you a shower and some new pyjamas, ey?" Harry returned with a nod, and momentarily the shower started to run.

Harry sat on the bed, which he had changed the sheets on and was in the middle of folding Draco's fluffy pyjamas when his boyfriend emerged from the bathroom. They sat together on the bed and Draco took the pyjamas Harry had folded for him, before taking some underwear and a tampon out of the drawer and getting dressed. After dressing, he lay on the bed with his hot water bottle. "Thanks, Harry." Draco smiled at him, before gesturing for Harry to lie next to him and that's what Harry did. "You're welcome, love," Harry replied, kissing him on the forehead.

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