Sev + Harry help Draco :D

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I actually finished a story in one sitting for once! This one was requested by @RuninngChipmunk but I added my own little twist to it. My schools starting up again tomorrow, so my next update may or may not be this weekend at the earliest. Hope you like the story and have a great week my lovelies! <3

Draco sat on the windowsill in the living room of the Snape Cottage, contemplating what the hell he was supposed to do. He'd just found out he'd gotten his period at Snape's house for one, but also, Harry Potter was sleeping in the same room as him! He wasn't sure whether or not he'd gotten it on the bed and he didn't have the guts to go and check, just in case Harry had woken up and seen it before him. That would be too humiliating for him. It was currently 2 am and the moonlight lit up enough of the room so that he was able to comfortably sit whilst also making sure no one snuck up on him. He sat there for a few hours until, at 4:30, footsteps came down the stairs and caught Draco off guard.

Severus had woken up to use the loo and had gone to check on the boys before he'd gone back to bed, but one of them was missing. He tried not to panic, which he'd mostly succeeded at, but he still found himself looking around for the boy since he knew that he wasn't in the bathroom. That was when he made his way downstairs, seeing a boy's figure and immediately knowing it was Draco's, so he walked down the stairs. "Draco, please go to bed. You have a big day tomorrow and I can't have you tired." Draco looked up, nodded and walked up the stairs to his room. He knew deep down Snape was right, he couldn't be any more moody than he was about to be in the morning. Severus didn't think much of it and slowly made his way back to his own room, falling back to sleep.

The clock chimed 6:30, and Draco was awoken by the shower running in the ensuite, which must've been Harry. He didn't know why he was awake this early though. Shuffling a little, Draco became aware of another thing - he'd definitely leaked. He could feel it on his thighs and the crotch of his underwear felt uncomfortably wet. There wasn't much he could do about it now though, since Harry was in the ensuite shower and Draco didn't even dare to go out into the one in the hall. He didn't have any moon-cloths either, since he'd never had it before, he'd never needed them. So, everything was not going his way today. Harry came out of the shower momentarily, fully dressed and hair soaked. He hadn't noticed Draco was awake and had begun to dry his hair in front of the mirror, which coincidentally pointed straight at Draco's bed, so if he so much as moved, he'd know about it. He was in a bad situation here, and he was starting to think that coming to stay at Snape's with Harry was a bad idea.

"Morning, Draco. The shower is free if you wanted to use it." Harry spoke, head still turned towards the mirror, in the middle of drying his hair. He'd seen him then. Draco didn't know what to do, because on the one hand, he could move and expose his problem to Harry, or he could stay there and rot like a corpse waiting to be cremated. He quickly decided that it would be better to move, and if all went wrong at least he could go to Snape and have his memory erased or something. Upon moving, Harry immediately turned his head in concern, and then sympathy spread all over his face. "Oh, d'ya get your monthlies?" Harry asked in the most casual voice Draco had ever heard in his entire life. He was stunned. How was he so comfortable with talking about this stuff? "Uhh, yeah," Draco answered, stuttering and covering himself up, hoping to at least lower the tension in the room. "They're the worst, ain't they?"

"I wouldn't know, this is my first time." Harry's face turned a little pink, which Draco wasn't even sure was possible at this point, but it miraculously still happened. "Oh, hang on!" Harry ran out into the bathroom, where he kept his toiletries bag and came out with a tiny bag in his hand. "Here, these are moon-cloths. Guessing ya mam explained it to ya at some point?" Draco just nodded, he was too ashamed to say anything else, and Harry clearly saw this. "Don't be ashamed, it's alright. Ya just growin' up!" He felt comforted by Potters' words for once in his life. He hesitantly took the cloth and moved around the boy to go put it on in the bathroom.

Once he left, Harry had stripped his sheets and now Draco's bed was completely empty of his blankets and teddies. "Snape came in, saw ya sheets and he's taken them to the wash basket. Don't be worried, he just wants to help ya." Harry smiled at him reassuringly, so he smiled back. Moving to go downstairs, he got there to find that Snape had got Jily to make him his favourite breakfast! Next to it was a note that read, 'Harry told me what happened. Drink the tea and see how you feel later. Come to me if you have any questions, alright? S.S.' and Draco smiled widely at this. He thought he'd felt worse than this, but actually, he felt quite content about the whole situation at the moment - Snape had done more for him in one day than his father ever had in his entire life and he was thankful. After eating his breakfast, which definitely gave his taste buds the pazazz he'd needed all this time, he heard Snape come downstairs for breakfast as well. He'd assumed that Snape had spoken to Harry about what had happened, which was why he didn't come downstairs when Draco did - even though he didn't know that Harry had already had his breakfast when he was asleep. He was still confused about how Harry knew what to do though, but he'd ask about that when he was alone just in case. Draco decided to go look for Harry, to ask him why he knew so much about periods. So when he walked upstairs, he found Harry sitting on his bed and reading a book.

Draco cleared his throat, startling Harry and they sat next to each other. "Harry, Can I ask you a question? It's quite personal so you don't have to answer if you don't want to." Harry nodded enthusiastically. "Okay, how do you know so much know."

"It's cause I ain't really a boy. I'm like you, so I know I'm a boy, but I got girl bits." Draco nodded, understandingly. He knew what it was like to go through that and after hearing about Harry's trauma, winced as he imagined how hard it would be for him at home. "Okay." Draco stood up turning to face Harry.

"Thanks for helping me, Potter." Harry stood up with a bright smile graced his face and engulfed Draco in a very tight hug. "No problemo, Malfoy."   

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