Lily Evans

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Also, Lily was supposed to be with the ladies at the top but I forgot, woops. Sorry about that!

This one contains a lot of the marauders, since it's Lily's 6th year and Jily has happened! This ones for all y'all very late bloomers out there.

Lily Evans

Lily layed on the sofa in the common room, thinking of her newts and the revision she would have to do whilst covered in a blanket and a hot water bottle on her stomach. Her lower abdomen had started to hurt, and Lily was sure that it was just illness, but McGonagall had insisted that she lay there until she was 100% sure that what Lily had wasn't contagious nor severe. Her stomach had hurt for the last couple of days, and she was fine then! But when she told James, he had immediately gone to Professor McGonagall to check her out. Merlin, she got he was her boyfriend now, but he was too cautious for her liking, though she knew that it was out of love and concern. James and Lily had been dating for 2 months, and it was the best 2 months of her life! They would usually on a Saturday evening go and sit near the daisies at the lake-side, but not today since she was bound to a stupid bed until tommorrow.

She rolled from side to side, noticing her stomach pain had come back and firmly pressed the hot water bottle back on her abdomen. James walked in the room just before then, and when he saw Lily was in pain, James came running over. "Lils? What's wrong?" James put his hand on her forehead to check she wasn't sick, and it was normal? "Nothing James, just a stomach ache." she combed her hand through his hair, "I promise i'm fine!" Lily had accidentally raised her voice. Oh God. James moved back slowly, making sure not to bump into anything on the way. Though he did, mind you. At least he tried. "I'm sorry James, I don't know what's gotten into me." Lily realised what she had done, and got out of bed to give James a hug. "Get back into bed!" James insisted, but still gave in to the hug anyway. "I'm going to the loo, anyways." She walked over to the loo door, "So I had to get up!" James huffed enthusiastically and replied, "Okay, okay. Straight back to bed though!" And giggles came through the bathroom door.

When Lily had done her business, she noticed a large red stain on her underwear which had soaked into the inside layer of her nightgown. Oh no, period. She took a deep breath, and wrapped some toilet paper round her underwear. She intended to go see McGonagall when it was dark, but night time had already rolled around, and James was still here. She quickly took her notebook from under the sink where she had 'accidentally' left it for emergencies, and wrote a list of things to get from the kitchens at the other end of the school. She knew she would need this notebook sometime. Emerging back from the bathroom, she went over to James, passing him the note "I need you to get me these from the kitchen, please." James scanned the note, looking at each item carefully, "okay love" and kissed her on the cheek before leaving the tower.

When she heard the Fat Lady speak, Lily made her way to McGongall's office. A soft voice came from behind the large, brown door. "Who is it?" It was McGonagall's angelic voice that made Lily calm down a bit. "Lily, Professor." Lily confidently but sweetly communicated, and opened the door just enough so that she could squeeze through it. "What seems to be the problem, dear?" Lily just started crying. Right there, in the moment. "I got my period and I only got James to get me those things so he would leave and-" The professor chipped in, "you're embarrassed. I understand, Lily." Lily gasped, clenching her fists in shock. "You do?" McGonagall nodded, "I was a so-called 'late bloomer' too. I was about your age when I got my period." she paused for a second, looking into Lily's eyes. "I was in the exact same situation you were, I don't know why I didn't see this before" She replied, "You were showing all the signs, especially yesterday." The professor giggled slightly, both of them recalling yesterday's events. "Yeah, that was embarrassing." Lily confessed, starting to fidget.
"Nevermind that, how are you feeling?" McGonagall placed her hands on her desk and pushed her glasses up her nose.

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