Trans Harry! [Severitus]

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Hey everyone! I'm back with another Trans Harry fanfic because I love him sm <3 If you didn't know, Severitus is mentor snape, which is usually paired with Harry or Draco. Have a great Sunday and I'll see you in the next chapter!

Harry was asleep in his bed, dreaming peacefully for the first time in what felt like months when it miraculously changed. In this dream, Harry stood in the middle of a blank room, and he watched as the room became flooded with red paint, and his brain was starting to panic. It had found that the only way to alert Harry of what was going on with him right now was to interrupt his dream, which Harry did not appreciate. Either way, it seemed to work as Harry woke up a little bit confused a couple of minutes later.

Opening his eyes, Harry was just recovering from his odd dream when he felt a wet sensation in his underwear. Oh, merlin. He jumped out of bed in a panic, thankful to find that none of the blood had gotten onto his sheets, but it didn't make him feel that much better. He'd just had his first period at Snape's house! He'd definitely scold him for that, even if they were his clothes. He quickly took off his pyjama bottoms and underwear, which confirmed his suspicions, and hid them under his desk - it wasn't the best place, but he didn't have too much time. Putting on some new underwear and pj bottoms and getting some toilet paper to wrap around them, he straightened himself off before heading downstairs, where Snape was waiting for him.

As soon as Harry came downstairs Severus noticed that something was up. His stance, body language and his slightly puffy eyes told him that just as much of his father senses told him. He watched as the little boy sat on the sofa next to him, before speaking, "Harry, are you alright?"

Harry looked up when his name was called, his eyes brightening in slight fear, "Yeah."

"Are you sure?" Snape asked again, his eyebrow raised in genuine concern.

"IM FINE!" He bellowed, getting up out of his seat and running up the stairs in frustration. Merlin, he was gonna be in so much trouble for this! The Dursleys hadn't helped with his isolation, they made him feel as if it made him a baby for showing his vulnerability, so he didn't. He sat in his room, tears in his eyes and a smashed-up room from when his anger had finally gotten the best of him, waiting for his punishment - and he was expecting it to be bad. Before he could even think about cleaning his room, there was a knock on the door.

Severus had followed Harry up the stairs without him noticing and waited outside of his door, wincing at the sounds it made when he smashed his room up, and his heart ached when he heard the sobs that came after. When he heard the silence, he decided to knock on the door. There was no answer, but he opened the door anyway. "I'm sorry," was all Harry could muster when he realised his dad had entered the room. "No, it's okay Harry. There's no need to apologise for being angry - we'll talk about the mess of this room later." Severus strode across the room, sitting next to the child and placing his hand on his back, "Now, what's been bothering you?" Harry lifted his head up slightly, meeting his father's eyes."Well..this morning I-" He wrung his hands with nerves, "I woke up from a weird dream, and, there was b-blood in my underwear." Snape audibly sighed with both relief and realisation.

"Harry, look at me. It's fine, okay? You're fine. What you're experiencing is something called a menstrual cycle or a period. It happens every month and it's completely normal."

"Mkay, but what am I supposed to do about it? I can't keep putting toilet paper in my underwear."

"You use towels called pads in the muggle world, but traditionally pureblood wizarding families use absorbable cloths - though there are a lot of wizarding families who prefer the muggle way and vice versa." Severus handed him a small purple bag, which contained a cloth inside that Harry presumed was the thing he put in his underwear.

"This looks quite thin. And, how do I know when to change them?"

They're magical, a max absorbency spell and you know when to change them when they feel full. If you're not able to tell though, it would be best to change them every 7-8 hours."

"Okay," Harry replied before rushing into the bathroom, bringing the cloth with him.

Once he was done, Harry exited the bathroom and sat back next to his father, leaning on his shoulder. "Why didn't you tell me before?" Harry turned his head slightly, "I dunno. I guess, I was just- scared. Since I didn't really know what was going on."

"That was my fault, child. I should've told you beforehand." Harry put his head on Snapes' lap, closing his eyes before mumbling, "Love you daddy."

"Love you too my child."

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