Hermione Granger - Camping 💕

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And the moment you have all been waiting for...!! ITS THE 30TH CHAPTER! (and it's the first time i've posted without a 3 week gap between the last one and the one being posted) Either way, have this goofy Hermione fanfiction that i've spent over a month on, wayy too long I know. Hope you enjoy!

Hermione was awoken by an owl, which was hooting quite loudly. She quickly came aware that it probably wasn't the only reason she'd woken up because she realised she also needed to use the bathroom, which was the wrong word since there wasn't an actual bathroom for at-least 15 miles. Having an idea, she shuffled her way along the sleeping bag until she was at the other end which she unzipped so that there was a 2nd entrance/exit for her to use and conveniently led her straight out of the tent her family were sharing. As much as she didn't really want to go alone and something inside was telling her she shouldn't, Hermione was 13 now which meant that she had to be brave - she wasn't a baby anymore. So, she took a deep breath, gathering up all the courage her little body could conjure up, and exited the tent with a flashlight in her hand.

Now that she was outside, it was time to find a perfect spot to go that would #1; not sting, bite, burn or tickle her skin while/after she went, and #2; not have any potentially poisonous or not skin-friendly leafs surrounding her that she may mistake for friendly leaves. Her mother had accidentally used a stinking nettle once to wipe herself when she was Hermione's age, and she was nearly 100% sure that if she didn't double check every time she went to the bathroom outside, then she would accidentally start a family tradition. It took a while, but eventually, Hermione ended up finding a place which had a wooden shack, which was what she thought was supposed to be an outhouse. Crisis averted! Of course she took her advantage and used the outhouse, because it's not everyday that you see an outhouse on a camping trip.

As she entered, she realised just how grubby the outhouse actually was, but it had a perfectly fine roll of toilet paper on the holder. So, as any normal person would do, she covered the toilet seat in toilet paper and sat down to do her business. All was well for the most part, but when she wiped, the paper was covered in blood. Oh. My. God. Panic rose inside of her. What was she going to do? It didn't help that her parents hadn't told her anything about this in the first place, even though Hermione was 13, and she was in the most inconvenient place, nor situation for this to ever happen.

If Hermione was honest with herself, she didn't really have any other choice to tell her mother, even though she felt like screaming at her for not telling her this was going to happen at the moment. It's not like she could go to anyone else. Come on Hermione, you can do this. She took off out of the outhouse and into the open field where they'd set their tent, making her way towards her parents' tent. It was dark green and had enough space for the 3 of them and at least two more, so she wasn't really sure why she couldn't just sleep with them. The zipper opened with ease and Hermione found herself in there in a matter of moments. "Mum?" she whispered, trying to get her mums attention without also gaining the extra audience of her dad. Her mum stirred, groaning out at her, letting her know that she was awake. "I know it's late, or early, but I really need you right now." Jean eventually got up, but she was leaning on her arms as if they were keeping her upright, "What's up mimi?"
"I-uh, got that thing that girls get when they're becoming young ladies..." Hermione inwardly cursed at herself was not using the technical term like she was supposed to, but she found herself too ashamed to say it anyway, so it wasn't like it really mattered. She watched as her mum shot upright, completely awake now. "But I don't really know what i'm doing, and we're in the middle of nowhere soo.." There was silence for a few moments and Hermione watched Jean put a hand into her backpack and fish around for something, then hearing a small 'here it is!' from her a few moments later. Hermione looked at her with her eyebrow raised in confusion, "Whats that for?" She was staring at a small bag which, for some reason, was covered in victorian dress designs on the fabric. Her mother twisted the odd garment of sorts she had pulled out of the bag, as though to show it off.

"This, Mimi, is a pad. Well, it's a reusable pad. You shove it in your undies and then there should be wings, which you can clip together and then it should sit nice and snug in there, and it will catch all that blood. But you must remember to change it every 4-5 hours, and you put it back in this bag when you're done with it. Alright, love?"

Hermione nodded, still slightly astonished by all the information that had just been thrown her way. She took the pad from her and headed back to the outhouse that she was in before to put it on - it was a nightmare trying to get the wings to connect to one another. She was done in a jiffy though and headed back to the campsite to hopefully get some sleep. She laughed to herself as a thought danced through her head, 'I'll wake up as a totally new woman!' Damn, she was cringey - but at least she could say she was a cringey woman!

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